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Leadership & Communication

6 steps to prioritise tasks efficiently

There never seems to be enough hours in the day to complete the tasks and projects collecting dust on the top of your desk. But managing your time means working smarter – not longer. In other words, you need to learn how to prioritise. For many assistants, learning how to establish and maintain priorities is…

27 May 2015, by Informa Insights

Leadership & Communication

Nice people don’t finish last

YOU probably won’t want to read it all but a detailed study conducted by an academic team in Germany has found that, in most management situations, the nicer you are, the more money you make. The team studied the relationship between aspects of Emotional Intelligence and success in the workplace. In particular they looked at…

19 May 2015, by Informa Insights

Leadership & Communication | Mining & Resources

How to make the transition from miner to industry consultant: Q&A with Bernie Garrett

Bernie Garrett is the Owner and Director of Foundation Leadership, a coaching and training consultancy that offers courses and workshops for professional and personal development. Bernie wasn't always the industry consultant he is today. After being made redundant in 2013, he set up a business to do what he realised he had been doing in his…

14 May 2015, by Informa Insights

Leadership & Communication | Mining & Resources

How to make the transition from miner to industry consultant: Q&A with Richard Stockwell

Richard Stockwell is the Managing Director of Hornet Drilling and Geological Services, a professional consultancy with a specialist drilling capability. He is a Geologist with 18 years of experience in base metals, gold and most significantly in mineral sands. Geology has been a lifelong passion of Richard’s having grown up in a region of very complex…

22 Apr 2015, by Informa Insights

Leadership & Communication

Gender Agenda: For women it’s still ‘Mind the Gap’

On March 25, 1928, five young women, one as young as 18, organised the first International Women’s Day rally in Sydney’s Domain. They stood on soap boxes and addressed the crowd on the rights of working women and equal pay for equal work. They kept the rally going for two hours. Today, more than eighty…

21 Apr 2015, by Informa Insights

Leadership & Communication

Let’s Grow! Matching frontline leaders to the right roles

By Karen Schmidt* Frontline leaders need to be put in a position where they can do the most good, where their natural abilities will be helpful rather than a hindrance to the team. The term weed is often used in gardening circles. What is considered a weed in one garden is a useful plant in…

20 Apr 2015, by Informa Insights

Leadership & Communication

Gender Agenda: What’s in a name? Ask Michael

By Jenny Strachan* MICHAEL is a nice name. Perhaps that’s why there are more men called Michael in Australia’s top jobs than there are women. Or perhaps not. Guardian Australia recently reported that companies listed in the ASX 100 had 14 Michaels, 12 Peters and 11 Davids as either CEO or chairman - and just…

23 Mar 2015, by Informa Insights

Leadership & Communication

#MakeItHappen on International Women’s Day

By Jenny Strachan* In 1917, on the last Sunday in February (March 8 in the modern Gregorian calendar) thousands of women in Russia staged a war protest and strike under the banner “Bread and Peace”. Four days later the Tsar abdicated and the provisional Government gave women the right to vote. Nearly 100 years later…

16 Feb 2015, by Informa Insights

Leadership & Communication | Mining & Resources

The changing nature of business continuity

Is your organisation keeping up with the evolving nature of business continuity? The ability to maintain, or rapidly recover business critical assets and services in the event of sudden disruptions requires a complex mix of operational resilience, business continuity, disaster recovery and emergency response planning. When co-ordinated effectively, this has a direct impact on the…

11 Feb 2015, by Informa Insights

Leadership & Communication

Gender Agenda: The lady vanishes

By Jenny Strachan* On June 12, 1902, Australia became the first country in the world to give women** the right to vote AND the right to stand for Parliament. Exactly 110 years later, in 2012, I decided to commemorate and celebrate this huge leap forward for women by putting together a performance piece called the…

16 Jan 2015, by Informa Insights
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