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Business | Strategy & Management

A Comprehensive Guide to Contract Risk Management

An average of 25% of the workforce is engaged in contract management in some capacity, according to a report from World Commerce & Contracting. Contracts are the lifeblood of enterprises, defining the rules of engagement in business relationships. As the complexity and volume of contracts grow with the scale of your business, the management of contract-related…

13 Sep 2023, by Kristen Gutierrez

Strategy & Management

Commitment to Culture Capital

Culture capital is the new frontier of competitive advantage, as is evident with the unforgivingly entropic environment businesses must operate in today. Culture capital refers to the collective values, beliefs, practices, and norms that characterise an organisation. It is the invisible glue that holds an organisation together, defining its identity and influencing how its members…

29 Aug 2023, by Kristen Gutierrez

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