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Energy & Utilities | Technology

Do we have enough carbon capture capability?

According to the International Energy Agency, carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) is the only large-scale mitigation option capable of driving emissions low enough to reach 2050 targets. But is our existing infrastructure enough to compensate for ‘hard to abate’ industries, as well as the carbon output from overseas peers, who don’t have CCUS capabilities?…

14 Nov 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Energy & Utilities | Uncategorised

EnergyAustralia’s unique approach to community engagement and how it is accelerating the clean energy transition

CONFERENCE WEBSITE As one of Australia’s big three generators and retailers, EnergyAustralia takes its role in the national energy transition very seriously. So, what is the organisation doing to help Australia lower its carbon emissions, and how does it ensure the community is engaged in the process? David Wilson, Head of Community Engagement, says a…

30 Sep 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Energy & Utilities | Infrastructure | Uncategorised

A better way to win community support for clean energy projects

When a recent Community Engagement review by the Australian Energy Infrastructure Commission revealed that 92 percent of respondents were dissatisfied with the extent to which renewable project developers engaged with the local community, it revealed what those working in the sector had known for a long time. “Landholder and community engagement in renewables space is…

18 Sep 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Energy & Utilities

Overcoming barriers to AI in the energy sector

With its ability to analyse geology, markets, and assets for quicker, more precise decision making, artificial intelligence (AI) has enormous potential to advance the energy sector. Despite this, the industry has been slower to embrace the technology than some others, leaving millions of dollars in economic gains untapped. Ahead of the SEAAOC Conference at NT…

3 Sep 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Energy & Utilities

Efficient electrification: Opportunities for South Australia’s residential sector

Energy finance think tank, The Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis (IEEFA), has quantified the role energy-efficient appliances could play in our net zero future, and is encouraging suppliers and investors to seize the opportunities on offer. According to its recent analysis, inefficient appliances are incurring more than $3 billion in upfront and lifetime…

8 May 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Energy & Utilities

Update on the Murchison and Oakajee Green Hydrogen projects

The Murchison region of Australia’s Midwest is recognised as one of the best locations globally for green hydrogen production, given its quality wind and solar resources, and proximity to offtake markets. One of the most notable developments in this area is the Murchison Green Hydrogen Project, by Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP). Located 15 kilometres north…

8 Apr 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Energy & Utilities

Making Australia’s Midwest more attractive to inbound clean energy investors

Australia’s Midwest is globally recognised as a hotbed for clean energy infrastructure, given its complementary wind and solar penetration profile, significant land area, and proximity to north Asian trading partners. Despite this, the region has seen less inbound investment than the likes of Pilbara and Australia’s South West. Gilbert + Tobin Partner, Clare Pope –…

21 Mar 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Energy & Utilities

How CleanCo is building 5GW of renewables by 2030

The build required to meet the Queensland Government’s target of 70 percent renewables by 2032 is unprecedented, but CleanCo Queensland is rising to the challenge. Recently, the organisation has been investing significantly in new renewable projects that complement its owned and operated firming generators. Over the last six months, its investments via offtake agreements have…

10 Jan 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Energy & Utilities

Green steel requires a global effort to be viable for widespread adoption

With the steel sector contributing between 7-9% of the world's CO2 emissions, the industry is working to reduce its carbon footprint. They are doing this by employing innovative technologies like green hydrogen-based direct reduction and low-carbon resources like high-grade iron ore and waste. With less than 0.6 tonnes of CO2 emissions per ton of steel…

23 Nov 2023, by Kristen Gutierrez

Energy & Utilities | Technology

The trends impacting the size and nature of hydrogen demand

With global demand for hydrogen reaching 95 megatonnes last year, there has never been a more pressing time to understand the trends and market characteristics shaping this fast-evolving sector. With this in mind, Informa Connect spoke with Izzi Messina, Vice President of Growth & Development at Wood, ahead of the Australian Hydrogen Conference (West). He…

6 Nov 2023, by Amy Sarcevic
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