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Education | Technology

How Oman is embracing AI in higher education

Omani’s higher education sector is embracing artificial intelligence (AI), with support from a $39 million investment from the Omani government, as part of its Artificial Economics strategy. The investment aims to increase the digital economy’s GDP contribution by 10 percent, over the next sixteen years, and demonstrates the government’s ongoing commitment to AI implementation across…

10 Sep 2024, by Amy Sarcevic


How this Senior Territorian is seeking justice for people with disability

At birth, the parents of disability advocate Dr Robyne Burridge OAM were told her diagnosis of cerebral palsy was so severe that she would struggle to hit milestones like sitting up, let alone walking and talking. Determined even then to prove her strength, Dr Burridge - who is now a Senior Territorian - went on…

4 Sep 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Energy & Utilities

Overcoming barriers to AI in the energy sector

With its ability to analyse geology, markets, and assets for quicker, more precise decision making, artificial intelligence (AI) has enormous potential to advance the energy sector. Despite this, the industry has been slower to embrace the technology than some others, leaving millions of dollars in economic gains untapped. Ahead of the SEAAOC Conference at NT…

3 Sep 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Education | Technology

How schools are using AI for student-driven learning

For many teachers, even the mention of AI tools like ChatGPT or Copilot in an educational context is enough to ring alarm bells. Writing polished content from a wide range of sources, use of these tools in learning tasks and assessments seems to undermine their very purpose. However, as James Vella, Director of eLearning at…

3 Sep 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Mining & Resources

The major developments redefining the NT’s Beetaloo Basin

Empire Energy Group recently made headlines when it formed a contract with the Northern Territory Government to supply 25 terajoules (TJ) of gas per day from its Carpentaria Pilot Project in the Beetaloo Basin. The ten year agreement is due to commence in 2025, in what Chief Executive Alex Underwood describes as a “very busy…

29 Aug 2024, by Amy Sarcevic


Improving the accessibility of drugs for pregnant women

Reproductive age women make up a substantial portion of the general population, yet are seldom represented in clinical trials for pharmaceuticals - including ones that cater to common pregnancy-related ailments. Dr Nisha Khot - Vice President and Board Member of the RANZCOG and a Clinical Director of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Peninsula Health - believes…

8 Aug 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Healthcare | Leadership & Communication

Success at the coal face – improving workplace culture in healthcare

In her first week at her first role in the operating theatre, Charmayne Thompson recalls being told by a surgeon she was, “the most incompetent nurse he had ever worked with." Brought up with a resilience mindset, Ms Thompson ignored her impulse to leave, and kept going in the role. More than twenty years later…

8 Aug 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Mining & Resources

Goldfields – the centre of the critical minerals universe

As the world navigates its clean energy transition, the Goldfields region in Western Australia is increasingly being looked upon as a hotspot for critical minerals – demand for which has sky-rocketed in the build of clean energy technologies. Already known for its abundant gold and nickel resources, Goldfields is also giving hope to explorers of…

30 Jul 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Transport & Logistics

A glimpse into Pacific National’s climate action strategy

As Australia’s largest provider of diversified rail freight, Pacific National is well aware of its environmental and social responsibility. With 12700 active wagons across 70 locations, the operator has more than 700-weekly services, transporting millions of tonnes of resources around the country each year. With such scale, ESG Principal, Anitra Hobby, says decarbonisation will be…

29 Jul 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Transport & Logistics

How can rail operators combat cyber threat?

In the wake of cyberattacks in Iran and Belarus, concern is growing around the security of Australian railways systems, which – amid the uptake of new technologies - are increasingly vulnerable to threat actors. While rail signalling systems such as Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC) enhance safety and prevent collisions, their reliance on interconnection (between locomotives,…

25 Jul 2024, by Amy Sarcevic
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