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Business | Technology

BYOD: Bring Your Own Device

BYOD, or Bring Your Own Device, refers to the recent phenomenon of employees using mobile connectivity devices - laptops, notebook, smartphones, tablets - for both personal and work-related activities. More and more, employees are using their individually purchased and owner devices to do everything from checking work emails to accessing confidential company information via specialised…

3 Oct 2012, by Informa Insights


New technology initiatives announced at BankTech Summit

BankTech Summit 2012 was held in Sydney recently and it attracted a few media interests especially Suncorp's smart environments initiatives and Eftpos Payments Australia rolling out card security chip technology EMV (Europay, MasterCard and Visa), and contactless card payment options. Below are some of the outcomes of the Summit in the media: BYOD and virtualisation…

20 Jul 2012, by Informa Insights


Australia’s white hot smartphone revolution

Australia is leading the way with people using smartphones for mobile banking, but is limited by its poor network and speed at which it gets new technology compared to other countries.The Digital Money Summit happening on the 28-29 Nov 2011 in Sydney will explore the existing pros and cons for Australia developing its contactless payment methods.…

14 Sep 2011, by Informa Insights


Introducing the Inaugural Digital Money Summit

The Digital Money Summit will explore the existing pros and cons for Australia developing its contactless payment methods, as successfully deployed in examples around the globe. Sessions will be heard from the major players involved in adopting this new technology – hear banks discuss their strategies to utlise market share, hear telecoms talk about the…

10 Aug 2011, by Informa Insights

Business | Technology

AIMIA’s John Butterworth talks about the digital industry now and its future

[youtube=] We had the opportunity to pick the brains of John Butterworth, Chief Executive Officer of AIMIA, Australian Interactive Media Industry Association, who will be chairing the 6th Annual AIMIA Digital Summit on the 13th and 14th of October 2010 at the Radisson Plaza in Sydney. These are the questions we asked: 1. Can you…

19 Aug 2010, by Informa Insights

Business | Technology

History of the Australian web revealed

An ambitious website showing an animation of the growth of web usage in Australia has today gone live. [youtube=] The History of the Australian Web project, created by the Australian Interactive Media Industry Association, allows users to view the rise and fall of websites across the last eight years based on pages views, audience or…

3 Aug 2009, by Informa Insights
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