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Multi-blockbuster sales expected as Gilenya changes Multiple Sclerosis landscape

[tweetmeme source= "informa_oz" only_single=false] Melbourne, 23rd September 2010 - Gilenya is set to become the leading treatment in multiple sclerosis (MS) with multi-blockbuster sales, ending the decade long dominance of interferon betas and Copaxone (glatiramer acetate, Teva) says Trung Huynh, healthcare analyst at Datamonitor. “The FDA approved Novartis’s Gilenya (formally Gilenia; fingolimod) yesterday. It is…

28 Sep 2010, by Informa Insights

Education | Healthcare

new subgroups on Linkedin!

[tweetmeme source= "informa_oz" only_single=false] Exciting news everyone! We're slowly reorganising our groups and subgroups in Linkedin and will be updating the blog to keep YOU update on the latest subgroups created so that you can connect with the industry/sector that you want to! We've created 2 new subgroups under the Informa Healthcare Community parent group.…

22 Sep 2010, by Informa Insights


Australian Obesity Summit Exclusive Interviews

[tweetmeme source= "informa_oz" only_single=false] We had the opportunity to speak to Professor Boyd Swinburn, Population Health, and Director of WHO Collaboration Centre for Obesity Prevention, Deakin University, about fighting the pressure for the over consumption of poor foods. [youtube=] **************** Watch Sharif Deen, Personal Trainer of Sharifit and Former Contestant of The Biggest Loser, as…

7 Sep 2010, by Informa Insights


Exclusive interviews from Health Congress 2010

[tweetmeme source= "informa_oz" only_single=false] We had the opportunity to interview Dr Clive Wright, Chief Dental Officer, NSW Health about the impact of dental disease on general health and wellbeing and if there is a need for a universal scheme for access to dental care. [youtube=] ***************** We had the opportunity to speak to David Crosbie,…

7 Sep 2010, by Informa Insights


12th Annual Health Congress 2010

[youtube=] Healthcare reform is high on the Rudd government’s policy agenda. In a highly anticipated announcement last March, Prime Minister Rudd made a promise to revamp the national hospital and healthcare system. It was during this announcement that Informa held its 12th Annual Health Congress on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of March in Sydney.…

27 Apr 2010, by Informa Insights


Interview with Professor Warwick Anderson of NHMRC

[youtube=] Professor Warwick Anderson AM, CEO, National Health and Medical Research Council, spoke to us about the main health issues today. He discusses the future health challenges of an ageing population, health inequalities in indigenous populations and the research activities of the NHMRC to deal with these complex issues. Website: Contact: +61 2 9080…

19 Feb 2010, by Informa Insights


Convergence of health insurance companies to continue, says expert

MARK FITZGIBBON, CEO of nib health funds The merging of companies in the health insurance industry will continue, but its pace will be dependent on both economic factors and the appetite of companies for change, according to Mark Fitzgibbon, Chief Executive Officer of nib health funds. Mr Fitzgibbon will be addressing the CEO Roundtable Discussion…

18 Jun 2009, by Informa Insights


Federal Government preparing for an ageing population

[youtube=] With the ageing population increasing, the Federal Government has promised to improve Australia’s health care, says Minister for Ageing, Justine Elliot. “When it comes to aged care, the Federal Government has committed record funds to our aged care sector,” she says. The government will pay 41 billion dollars in subsidies over the next four…

9 Jun 2009, by Informa Insights


Cultural change required to beat binge drinking problem

Studies show that binge drinking is becoming increasingly prevalent among young people with one in six people having more than 20 drinks in a month. Binge drinking has damaging consequences including death from excessive alcohol consumption, permanent brain damage, alcohol poisoning and dangerous and violent behaviour. These issues will be the main focus at the…

6 Mar 2009, by Informa Insights


Improved labelling ‘critical’ in addressing obesity epidemic

Improved labelling is critical in addressing the obesity epidemic, says Heart Foundation spokesperson Anne-Marie Mackintosh, but it is only one part of a multi-strategy campaign. Labelling can help people make healthier food choices and in doing so, people are more likely to follow the Australian dietary guidelines which are the key to improving overall health,…

22 Oct 2008, by Informa Insights
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