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Transport & Logistics

How can rail operators combat cyber threat?

In the wake of cyberattacks in Iran and Belarus, concern is growing around the security of Australian railways systems, which – amid the uptake of new technologies - are increasingly vulnerable to threat actors. While rail signalling systems such as Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC) enhance safety and prevent collisions, their reliance on interconnection (between locomotives,…

25 Jul 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Transport & Logistics

How Transport for London is creating a more sustainable London

Amid growing calls for UK cities to be more sustainable, eyes are turning to Transport for London (TfL) – one of the largest integrated public transport authorities in the world. Alongside the London Underground, Dial-a-Ride, coach and river services - which it directly operates - TfL runs a host of contracted services. These include a…

11 Jul 2024, by Amy Sarcevic


The learning program that transformed Granville Boy School’s reputation

Ten years ago, Granville Boys High School in Sydney’s West was known to the public for all the wrong reasons. With low ATARs and a poor learning culture, the school regularly got a bad rap in the media, where it was once described a “tough school”. Today, Granville Boys High has maintained its fame but…

8 Jul 2024, by Amy Sarcevic


Making short stay hospital care work in practice

A co-designed, “shared stakeholder value model” could be key to making short stay hospital programs a success, according to healthcare funding expert Sharon Naidoo of Bupa. Speaking to Informa Connect ahead of the Short Stay Hospital Forum, Ms Naidoo expressed optimism about the short stay model, but said collaboration and open mindedness to innovation would…

26 Jun 2024, by Amy Sarcevic

Healthcare | Technology

What is the pathway to success in biotech?

A researcher who is making headway with a novel dementia treatment, targeting small molecules, is giving his view on what success looks like for the Australian biotech sector. Actinogen CEO, Dr Steven Gourlay, whose cortisol-reducing ‘Xanamem’ drug is showing great promise in clinical trials, believes a host of factors are needed to see more “home-grown”…

14 Jun 2024, by Amy Sarcevic


What can Australia learn from US ambulatory surgery centres?

Ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) have existed in the USA for more than fifty years, with around 6000 Medicare-certified centres now open throughout the country. These innovative healthcare facilities – which offer same-day surgical care, including diagnostics and prevention – have transformed healthcare for millions of Americans. But how do they compare in Australia’s healthcare system…

14 Jun 2024, by Amy Sarcevic


How do medicinal psychedelics work in practice? An interview with Dr Ted Cassidy

A new clinical program is shedding light on how medicinal psychedelics can be optimised in the treatment of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The ‘approved prescriber pathway scheme’, which administers psilocybin and methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) as part of a comprehensive psychotherapy program, has so far demonstrated strong patient outcomes, and is giving psychiatrists increased hope over…

13 Jun 2024, by Amy Sarcevic


Redeveloping mental health services in Western Sydney

Visit the Mental Health Models & Facilities Forum Website   Mental health services in Western Sydney are undergoing a radical transformation, thanks to the work of Consultant Psychiatrist, Professor Vlasios Brakoulias, who has taken on a large part of the project. The professor, who specialises in obsessive-compulsive and related disorders, is overhauling models of care…

11 Jun 2024, by Amy Sarcevic


The game-changing skin cancer treatment for localised non-melanoma skin cancer

A new treatment for localised non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC), which offers an alternative to surgery or conventional radiotherapy for lesions in functionally and cosmetically sensitive areas, is helping to tackle the 100,000 hospitalisations which occur annually as a result of the condition. Rhenium-SCT (Skin Cancer Therapy) developed by Oncobeta, is an ARTG-registered medical device that…

4 Jun 2024, by Amy Sarcevic


How should we evolve funding for short stay hospital programs?

Visit the Mental Health Models & Facilities Forum Website Short stay hospital programs are becoming increasingly popular in Australia, with growing evidence that they improve patient outcomes in a variety of healthcare categories. In the realm of mental health, short-stay crisis units - therapeutic spaces for stabilising, assessing, and referring patients - have reduced emergency…

4 Jun 2024, by Amy Sarcevic
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