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Productive Ward Conference 2011

11 Oct 2011, by Informa Insights

In conjunction with the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement, we’d like to present The Productive Ward Conference 2011.

This conference has been born out of the feedback of several of our health events. The Productive Ward Series and Programme has been developed in the UK by the National Health Service and has been rolled out throughout the UK and off the back of their success sold and implemented in NZ and Canada. Here in Australia – the Productive Ward is producing significant results in hospitals as well.

The idea of the productive ward programme is to create a system on the ward which drives improvement in freeing up nurses so more time can be devoted to delivering high quality patient care.

The Productive Ward is program is delivering a highly successful & innovative solution for delivering safe & high quality care to patients across all clinical areas. It defines how ward processes and the physical environment of the ward can impact on the amount of time nurses have available for direct patient care.

In a first for an A Division health event we are branding the event in conjunction with the NHS due to the NHS trademark on The Productive Ward – Releasing Time to Care™ we are acknowledging them in our conference title. This is actually very beneficial for us and adds a lot of weight and reputation to this first time event.

We have the Australasian representative from the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement Anthea Penny (based in NZ) presenting a keynote address and an interactive workshop (to be included as part of the conference program)


For more information on the this conference, please go to

Join in on the conversation on Twitter @iirhealthcare with #healthward and Linkedin in our IIR’s Acute Healthcare Community

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