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Presentations: Reducing avoidable pressure injuries

29 Jul 2013, by Informa Insights

In the lead-up to the second annual Reducing Avoidable Pressure Injuries Conference, we have made some of the presentations delivered at the 2012 event available for download.

Presentation 1: Emerging research evidence in the use of silicone dressings in the prevention of pressure injuries in critically ill and trauma patients

This presentation will discuss the current body of evidence in this area in the context of a current large randomised controlled trial being conducted in the Emergency Department and Intensive Care Unit at the Royal Melbourne Hospital.

Presenter: Nick Santamaria, Professor of Nursing Research, Translational Research University of Melbourne & Melbourne Health Royal Melbourne Hospital

[slideshare id=24483485&doc=profnicksantamaria-130721235325-phpapp01]

Presentation 2: Nutrition –  A Bed Fellow with Pressure Injury

The presentation covers the evidence of the association between nutrition and pressure injury; and investigate the evidence of individual nutrients in pressure injury prevention and healing.

Presenter: Merrilyn Banks, PhD Advanced Accrediting Practicing Dietitian NHMRC Health Professional Research Training Fellow & Director of Nutrition & Dietetics, Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital

[slideshare id=24483524&doc=drmerrilynbanks-130721235427-phpapp02]

Presentation 3: Perioperative Pressure Injuries

All people are at risk of pressure injuries.  This risk is exacerbated when immobility and limited access are a part of the situation.  In the perioperative environment, clinicians deal with positioning and access issues when caring for patients during surgery.

To appreciate the level of patient risk and to predict and alter care to minimise perioperative pressure injuries, we needed to understand the current situation.  Through a three year audit of Perioperative pressure injuries, we have:

  • reviewed patients who have been injured during their surgical event,
  • acuity of the patients,
  • analysed the equipment used,
  • surgery performed,
  • length of surgery

Presenter: Catherine Steel, Clinical Nurse Consultant, Princess Alexandra Hospital

[slideshare id=24483502&doc=catherinesteel-130721235351-phpapp02]

Presentation 4: Hospital Skin Tear Disaster! A Thing of the Past in Surgical Services

Although skin tears are seemingly minor wounds compared to chronic ulcers, they can lead to complications if not treated appropriately. This project discusses an innovative skin tear prevention and management program specific to the surgical services that was developed, trailed and implemented during 2009 and reevaluated in 2011 at St. Vincent’s Private Hospital (SVPH), Sydney.

Presenter: Edel Murray, Clinical Nurse Consultant, St. Vincents Private Hospital

[slideshare id=24483551&doc=edelmurray-130721235456-phpapp01]


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