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Preparing for PCEHR: Dr Michelle Austin says to expect enthusiasm

10 Feb 2012, by Informa Insights


We had the opportunity to speak with Dr. Michelle Austin, Change & Adoption Manager for Calvary eHealth and Calvary Health Care ACT. Michelle will be speaking at IIR’s Preparing for PCEHR Conference on the 19th of March in Melbourne. Hear what she had to say.

1. Are you able to give us a brief update on what to expect from implementing a PCEHR system into an organisation?

2. How do you ensure the effective communication and engagement between clinicians and other stakeholders during the process?

3. What are the key benefits that your staff and patients will see as a result of the successful implementation of a PCEHR system?

4. You’re speaking at IIR’s Preparing for PCEHR Conference taking place on the 19th March 2012 in Melbourne, what would you like delegates to gain from your presentation?

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