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Getting the NDIS design right for people with a psychosocial disability

17 Mar 2015, by Informa Insights

There are a huge number of national reforms affecting the mental health sector at the moment and Frank Quinlan, CEO of Mental Health Australia, joins us to discuss these and highlights the need to ensure that people aren’t left “falling through the cracks”.

Within these reforms, the NDIS provides a historic opportunity to deliver services to people who have missed out for too long. On the big and complicated issue of the NDIS design, Frank reports, “There is a lot of work still to be done”.

Heading up the peak body representing Australia’s mental health organisations, Frank is responsible for implementing the Council’s vision of “better mental health for all Australians”.

Frank Quinlan plane analogy
The NDIS rollout is likened to “a plane that took off before it had been fully built and is being completed while it is in the air.”

An energetic advocate for disadvantaged Australians, and the community and not-for-profit sector, Frank Quinlan has represented the interests of both his members, and the sector on numerous government consultative panels and committees.

His 7 point plan for Mental Health Reform highlights the need to:
• Agree on what we want to achieve
• Be clear on who is responsible for what
• Increase consumer and carer participation and choice
• Match services to need
• Get the incentives right to drive better outcomes
• Invest at the right time to achieve greatest benefit
• Keep government and services accountable

Frank’s keynote presentation at last year’s Integrating Mental Health into the National Disability Insurance Scheme Conference detailed his perspective on the scheme’s design and direction.

Although being compared to “a plane that took off before it had been fully built and is being completed while it is in the air,” the NDIS is the most comprehensive of its kind in the world and psychosocial disability has been late in scheme, late in trials and only one part of complex mental health reforms.

[slideshare id=42067434&doc=frankquinlan-141126160444-conversion-gate01]

You can view all papers from the event, which was held in Sydney on the 28th -29th November 2014 on Slideshare.


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