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Close-Up: Heather Grain

13 Jan 2014, by Informa Insights

Heather Grain
Heather Grain

Accurate coding and documentation are of critical importance to patient safety. The health information management sector is constantly evolving and it is crucial that healthcare staff stay abreast of the latest developments. Heather Grain is an Associate Professor at eHealth Education (eHe) and will provide attendees at the Clinical Documentation Coding & Analysis conference with an alternative approach on how to develop clinical coder skills.

Heather’s industry background includes practical workplace based, and high level strategic business analysis and data specification and management. Her expertise includes terminology, classification to support clinical decision support systems and identification management as well as key measure definition and reporting specification. While working in her specialist domain she has concurrently worked as a senior academic in health informatics at La Trobe University and many other universities in Australia and around the world.  In recent years she extended this into vocational education through eHe.  Heather is an internationally recognised consultant in eHealth and electronic health records advising government bodies and projects such as the Australian Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record, software vendors, healthcare provider organisations.  Her experience is extensive and recognises the need to be practical and to work progressively to develop infrastructure and processes which are safe as well as effective, while being future focused.

Heather is responsible for reviewing and establishing quality processes for HL7 international education activities, and developed SNOMED CT foundation competencies (within IHTSDO) and the first international course delivering content to support skill development in this area.  She is a senior contributor to the development of the competency specifications for core Health Informaticians in Australia.

For more information about the Clinical Documentation Coding & Analysis conference, to be held on the 24-25 February 2014 in Melbourne, please visit the event website.

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