In Australia, around 250,000 people are hospitalised each year because of medication errors – figures which have prompted the introduction of various safety features across the healthcare sector.
Technologies like dispensing systems, pharmacy automation equipment, as well as manual processes, have undergone rigorous safety upgrades. In turn, helping to ensure the rights patients receive the right medications, at the right time.
But while these features have mostly improved safety outcomes, they are not immune from adverse effects, according to Michael Bakker, Chief Pharmacy Information Officer at SA Pharmacy, SA Health.
He says in today’s environment, where patients are ageing and presenting with more complex comorbidities and medication requirements, there are competing priorities to consider when introducing safety features.
Will they slow things down?
As healthcare providers layer in more checks and balances to improve medication safety, the efficiency of staff workflows can sometimes dwindle. Mr Bakker says it is important to keep the balance right.
“In response to incidents – and to make workflows safer – we often add in steps to ensure a task or process is being completed in the expected way. We force people to slow down, as a feature of the new process, not a bug,” he said.
While slowing people down might seem positive in the context of medication safety, Bakker says it paves the way for corner cutting.
“When processes become really onerous, people are tempted to look for workarounds to keep up with the demands of their role. It’s really important we don’t forget that a system implemented to improve safety should also be designed with user experience in mind and support people in their workflows.”
What about techno stress?
In a bid to reduce human error, many healthcare providers have turned to technology. But while digitising healthcare operations comes with a range of safety benefits, it also carries some risk.
Of growing concern is the threat of ‘technostress’ – where frequent exposure to poorly designed and difficult-to-use technology can cause chronic low grade inflammation and symptoms of burnout.
“We are seeing a recognition of technostress and its related impact,” Bakker said.
“There is now significant evidence which shows that having to use technology that is onerous or frustrating to navigate can cause negative – and profound – psychological effects on healthcare workers.”
An adverse consequence of this could be a reduction in safety, with staff more susceptible to errors.
“Technostress is definitely one to watch out for. It might be a newish term, but the effects are now well-documented,” Mr Bakker said.
“Again, it comes down to balance. Yes, technology can improve safety, but the workflows to adhere to best practice need to be intuitive and accessible for our staff.”
Will there be unknown consequences?
Technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic process automation are attracting a lot of interest across sectors, but in the realm of medication management they can carry unique risks.
Some, like algorithmic bias, are well-known, but others are still being debated.
“We aware of the risks AI presents in general, and it is yet to be seen how we can effectively mitigate them in medication management without stifling progress.
“Furthermore, the risks are even less acceptable in this realm, given the stakes involved.
“It’s an area that requires a lot of further dialogue,” Mr Bakker said.
Are you digitally mature?
One necessary conversation will be how to plot the course of technology adoption used for medication safety. Mr Bakker says this is the foundation of digital maturity – a prerequisite for healthcare digitisation.
“A well thought-out plan is so important before you go and implement a new system that has a really broad impact, like one involved in medication management.
“You shouldn’t just procure some AI system from out in the marketplace, and bolt it onto your service without thinking about how it will be implemented and monitored within your business.
“There is a lot of daylight between paper based systems and the effective utilisation of AI in clinical environments – and there is no shortcut through the knowledge and expertise to navigate it.
“You need to be able to define what exact problem the AI is going to solve, and go through a process of designing and iterating, as well as supporting your staff through its implementation.”
Further insight
Sharing more expert advice on medication safety, Michael Bakker will present at the upcoming Medication Safety & Efficiency Conference, as part of Connect Virtual Care.
One ticket to Connect Virtual Care gives you access to three conferences: Medication Safety & Efficiency, National Telehealth and Virtual Care, and Hospital in the Home.
This year’s event will be held 2-3 April 2025 at the Hilton Sydney.
Learn more and register your tickets here.
About Michael Bakker
Michael Bakker is the Chief Pharmacist Information Officer for SA Pharmacy in SA Health and PhD candidate with the Digital Health Research Lab, Flinders University.
Michael is the Clinical lead for the AutoMedic clinical workflows tool that is being jointly developed by the statewide SA Pharmacy service in South Australia and the Flinders University Digital Health Research lab.
The work has been funded through a Medical Research Future Fund Grant. AutoMedic will be a smart and scalable decision support tool, integrated with Hospital EMRs, that will support medication reconciliation and review pathways through predictive modelling and a high-quality user experience.