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and .overview
About the Course
The coal industry remains an integral part of the international energy mix and is vital to the developing economies of SE Asia. It is likely to remain so for the foreseeable future;
however, the business is rapidly changing to meet the respective challenges of domestic and international demand for affordable energy and a less carbon-intensive future.
Characterising emissions from coal mining is now an integral part of current mining projects and a major source of environmental contention in proposed new operations. This course provides insight into the factors that affect emissions accounting and how best to approach the issue. The course also assists with the identification of business opportunities likely to develop in this brave new world of responsible carbon management.
Who Will Benefit
The course is generally applicable to anyone who would like to understand more about coal and its relationship with CO2 emissions, including contract managers, mining engineers, geologists, administrators, executives, potential investors in coal projects, environmentalists and financial analysts. The course is designed to be particularly accessible to young professionals,
and those who may already have a different background and wish to understand the implications of this rapidly evolving aspect of the core business of providing energy to the world.
Key Learning Objectives
- Understand the drivers behind the historical development of coal mining and the emergence of environmental concerns regarding CO2 emissions.
- Understand the technical background to the climate change debate with particular reference to the influence of coal mining.
- Develop a comprehensive understanding of the global factors influencing the demand for coal and the historical growth in emissions. Know where we are now, and where we are likely to go to in the future.
- Understand the key parameters that influence the CO2 profile of any coal mining operation.
- Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. What is the difference, and where should the mitigation effort be targeted?
- Learn how to go about quantifying CO2 emissions over the life of a project.
- Understand relevant regulatory constraints applicable to Australian coal mining operations.
- Discover the maturity of various ways of ameliorating CO2 emissions.
- Understand the nature and motivations of the relevant stakeholders.
- Understand how mining methods impact the emission profile, and why one type may have a lower environmental footprint than another.
- Learn the practical aspects of emission accounting and the impact of various carbon pricing scenarios.
- Learn how to undertake due diligence on a coal project from an emissions perspective.
- Explore the likely future of emissions accounting and identify potential business opportunities.
- Participate in discussions and exercises that enhance practical understanding.
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Course Outline
Introduction: the historical development of coal mining and increasing environmental awareness of CO2 emissions
- Overview of the global coal industry
- What is coal, and how is it formed?
- The carbon cycle.
- Coal and gas; what is the nature of the association.
- Coal and the global energy mix. How is it transforming over time?
- The rise of environmental awareness and the extraction of fossil fuels.
- CO2 emissions and the coal industry.
- Do all coals produce the same amount of CO2 emissions?
- How is the issue being tackled around the world?
Climate change and coal: the “essential science”
- From ‘global warming’ to ‘climate change’; background to the R & D that shapes international perspectives.
- Context, how CO2 has varied over time.
- The implications of increasing CO2 in the atmosphere and the role of coal.
- Tipping points, what are they, and what are the implications?
- Summary of key technical concepts that underpin climate change science.
Coal mine emissions
- At what stage of the mining process do emissions occur?
- The difference between Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 emissions and how they can be determined.
- Technical considerations in developing a life-of-mine emissions profile.
- Open cut versus underground, similarities and differences in approach to characterising emissions.
- The relationship between the depth of coal mine extraction and fugitive emissions.
- Thermal coal and metallurgical coal; variance in emissions profile. Why?
- Legacy effects, coal mine waste gas and goaf leakage.
- Drilling and fugitive emissions. What can be done about abandoned historical boreholes?
- Goaf gas capture and VAM techniques.
- Long term emission reduction options.
- State of the game in Australia and overseas.
The regulatory framework underpinning emissions reporting
- The National Greenhouse Energy Reporting system and associated Technical guidelines.
- Historical background of the above, and likely future developments.
- Strengths and weaknesses of the current system from a coal mining emission reporting perspective.
- Relationship of domestic reporting regime to international agreements.
- The ‘Paris Agreement’ and coal mine emissions.
- The Independent Planning Commission and coal mine emissions in proposed developments.
Stakeholder issues
- Who are the stakeholders?
- Development of strategies to satisfy key stakeholders; examples.
- The social licence to operate, coal mining and emissions.
Mitigation strategies
- The development of a carbon management plan.
- Options for minimising and mitigating emissions.
- International efforts to reduce CO2 emissions from coal mining operations.
- Impact of carbon pricing; practical implications for coal mining.
Wrap up and discussion
- Review of the major factors that determine the success or otherwise in the management of CO2 emissions in coal mining.
- Where to from here? What is the likely future for coal mining in an increasingly low carbon world?
Exercises: A number of short exercises and workshops designed to reinforce key topics.
Video: The course material will be supplemented by videos illustrating key subject matter.
when & where
05 - 06 Nov 2020
On-site & in-house training
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Still have a question?
Sushil Kunwar
Training Consultant
+61 (0)2 9080 4395