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and .overview
Key Learning Objectives
- Relationship and Relating – an activity not an entity
- The importance of self-awareness and impact
- Learn to observe yourself with objectivity
- Improving your EQ – how emotions impact on your relationships, notice the impact of your behaviours and reacting vs responding
- Assess whether you influence or manipulate, lead or mislead, trust or distrust
- Overcoming ambiguity in your communication style
- Improve your skills with conversation
- Say what you really mean…candidly…without offending
- Agreements and expectations when relating in business
- Understand the drivers behind why people may / may not warm to you
- Interpersonal skills for gaining trust and respect
About the Course
Excellence in communication is about respect. Respect is at the heart of building business relationships. It is the glue that holds them together.
To articulate well, to be understood, and to do so with respect is universally recognised as the most critical professional skill required for success as a communicator, and a leader.
The ability to understand what drives your behaviour and that of others and to cooperate and overcome difference is essential for an organisation to grow and prosper. Once equipped with this knowledge, insight and emotional intelligence, watch others perceptions of you change to engagement, collaboration and negotiation.
This course has been carefully designed as a roadmap to turn these behavioural differences into positive and sustainable results for individuals and teams – filtering through to organisational success. The ability to get along with people… it’s as simple as that.
Who Will Benefit
This course is a unique opportunity for anyone who wants to ensure they have a strong appreciation of how their behaviour affects others, how other’s behaviour affects them, and how to move beyond this to master articulation, cooperation and develop an adaptive style that commands respect
“Diverse and very different approach, focused on human psychology as opposed to attempting to define and put others into boxes… a clear effective communicator.”
Senior Corporate Accountant, Energy Australia
Terms & Conditions
To read the training course terms and conditions read more here
Course Outline
The Business and “Activity” of Relating
Defining relationships
- Relationship and Relating – an activity not an entity
- What is an effective relationship?
- One-on-one or one-to-group?
- Barriers to relating
- Understanding Interdependencies
- Beliefs and habits that hinder relationship effectiveness
The importance of self-awareness and impact
- Your most important relationship
- Recognising when you’re working for or against yourself
- Getting up on the balcony: observing with objectivity
- How emotions impact on your relationships
- Noticing the impact of your behaviours
- Reacting or responding
Interpersonal skills for gaining trust and respect
Candid communication
- How to get all the information on the table
- Saying what you really mean
- Helping people open up
- Diffusing defensive behaviours
- Giving empowering feedback
- Confronting with respect
- Common barriers, the 12 responses that inhibit relating
- Debating the scurge of collaboration
Social skills
- Earning respect and trust
- Developing responsibility and accountability
- Agreements and expectations
- Setting and reading boundaries
- Body language (and other non verbal communication)
Overcoming ambiguity in your communication style
- Quantity vs. quality
- Avoiding ambiguity
- Making yourself understood
- How misunderstandings occur and how to avoid them
Agreements and expectations when relating in business
- What’s the exchange?
- Clarifying expectations and agreements –both implicit and explicit
- Uncovering unstated rules or assumptions
Where to from here?
- Following up on the key strategies learnt
- A focus on the change-oriented, practical, interactive, experiential learning from the day
On-site & in-house training
Deliver this course how you want, where you want, when you want – and save up to 40%! 8+ employees seeking training on the same topic?
Talk to us about an on-site/in-house & customised solution.
Still have a question?
Sushil Kunwar
Training Consultant
+61 (0)2 9080 4395