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and .overview
Key Learning Objectives
- Review the various types of bridge structural maintenance currently undertaken
- Revise the types of inspections which lead onto maintenance
- Consider the types of materials that require to be maintained
- Consider how to carry out the works – Direct labour, contract or alliances
- Preparing for work:
– Skills and training
– Vehicle and equipment
– Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
– Traffic Control & Railway requirements
– Maintaining a diary of critical events - Technical matters relating to Timber Structures
- Technical matters relating to Steel Structures and their protection
- Technical matters relating to Concrete Structures
- Technical matters relating to Masonry Structures
- Expansion joints and bearings maintenance challenges
- Road and stream bank stability treatments
- OH&S (optional)
- Emergency Bridging in maintenance operations
- Some notes will also be handed out on:
– Writing a good specification
– Estimating maintenance works
About the Course
This course provides participants with a fundamental grounding in the key areas of bridge maintenance as it applies today. The course begins with an introduction to inspections before examining each type of maintenance required and components in detail. It is proposed to revisit some of the old traditional practices and see how they have changed over the years.
Many new engineers are missing out on some of the basics before launching into semi management roles. It is intended that this course will give an insight into some of these practices.
Emergency bridging – an area that has been overlooked in recent years. This will also be examined briefly, from incidents such as bush fires, floods and detours for heavy vehicles. Today we tend to re-invent the wheel for each emergency instead of learning from past experience.
Who Will Benefit
- Structural engineers who are keen to learn the basic skills in bridge maintenance
- Bridge maintenance project engineers and surveillance officers
- Asset managers who may have limited experience in the fields of maintenance techniques, inspections and project hand over
- Construction and maintenance foremen and leading hands who will benefit by understanding the surveillance that will follow
“Different approaches around the country were discussed, experienced approach.”
Bridge Engineer, Gosford City Council
“I enjoyed hearing about Glyn’s experience of bridge defects. Increased my general knowledge of bridge inspections and maintenance.”
Engineer Investigation and Design, Charter Towers Regional Council
“All aspects, different standards of inspections, welding of reo, emergency bridging.”
Structures Superintendent, John Holland
Course Outline
Day One
Module 1: Introduction to Road Structures Management
Module 2: Structures inspections overview
Module 3: Preparing for Work
Module 4: Timber Maintenance
Module 5: Concrete Maintenance & Repairs
Module 6: Steel Repairs
Module 6A: Steel Protection
Module 7: Masonry Bridge Repairs
Day Two
Module 8: Care & Maintenance of Bearings
Module 9: Expansion Joint Maintenance
Module 10: Ancillary Maintenance – gantries, Noise & Retaining Walls
Module 11: Timber Maintenance
Module 12: OH&S for Bridge Maintenance (Optional)
Module 13: Emergency Bridging
Module 14: Maintenance Specifications – (General comments only)
Module 15: Estimating for Maintenance
when & where
24 - 25 Nov 2022
On-site & in-house training
Deliver this course how you want, where you want, when you want – and save up to 40%! 8+ employees seeking training on the same topic?
Talk to us about an on-site/in-house & customised solution.
Still have a question?
Sushil Kunwar
Training Consultant
+61 (0)2 9080 4395