Welcome to our ConnectMe FAQs & Support page
Please read through our FAQs below before chatting to our support team – as there may be a wait while our support team is helping other attendees.
Our FAQs section below has our most common troubleshooting issues that will solve most issues.
Note the 3 basic troubleshooting steps that solve most technical difficulties in ConnectMe is at the top with an extensive list below.
Should you still need support, use our Live Chat function or email virtualevents@informa.com.au.
We appreciate your patience in advance as there may be a wait due to increase support during peak times.
3 basic troubleshooting steps that solve most technical difficulties in ConnectMe
3 basic troubleshooting steps that solve most technical difficulties in ConnectMe
1. Try to clear cache, refresh your phone/browser and login once again.
2. Try to close the web browser and open again; or try to log out and then log back in.
3. Use a different web browser: try it in a different browser (e.g. Safari or Chrome). Recommend using Chrome.
How to clear cache on my web browser?
How to clear cache on my web browser?
When in doubt, clear your cache. Technical issues are regularly caused by your cache – below is a step-by-step guide to clear your cache:
1. Go to Settings (top right of your browser page – three vertical dots)
2. Privacy and security
3. Clear browsing data
4. Cached images and files
Which platforms and operating systems are compatible with ConnectMe?
Which platforms and operating systems are compatible with Brella?
We recommend that you use Chrome for a better experience. However, Brella can be used on all modern browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and Edge.
Additionally, your virtual meetings experience works best on Chrome, enabling full use of video, audio and screen sharing. In Safari, you will be able to use audio-only and watch other screen sharing from others. Unfortunately, Internet Explorer (IE), Firefox and Edge don’t support Brella video calls.
ConnectMe is also available as a mobile app for both iOS and Android. Download ConnectMe from the App Store and Google Play Store.
Is there a mobile app for ConnectMe?
Is there a mobile app for ConnectMe?
Yes. You can access the event via the app, which is available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
Or simply search for “ConnectMe Informa App”. You will need an Event Code to connect to your event.
I have a virtual pass. Where is the live stream?
I have a virtual pass. Where is the live stream?
During the event, the live stream will be available on the “Live Stream • Q & A” tab.
Audio / Videos Issues on the platform
Audio / Videos Issues on the platform
Below are some common troubleshooting tips:
- Please use Chrome as the browser to view the sessions. If links open in a different browser, please copy the link and paste it into Chrome.
- Are your headphones/headset connected?
- Is your internet connection working correctly?
- It’s recommended to join the conference using a computer. If you are experiencing issues using a work computer, try a personal computer
- Can you try to dial in with a different device?
If you cannot hear or see, your browser extensions might be blocking something. Please try to open the event in Incognito mode. This can be done by clicking on the 3 dots on the top right of Chrome and selecting Incognito mode. You can also press CTRL + SHIFT + N on Windows or Press ⌘ + SHIFT + N on a MAC to open a new Incognito browser.
My audio sound doesn't work, I can't hear the stream?
My audio sound doesn’t work, I can’t hear the stream?
First, check if your audio volume is on, not on mute.
If so, next, please check that the Stream volume is showing full blue bars (see example below). If not, click on the empty bars to adjust the volume.
Secondly, if still no volume – check if your device can play audio sound via the various YouTube and Vimeo videos:
a. YouTube – Jazz stream
b. Vimeo – Informa clip
If there is still no sound, this is highly likely to be your sound configuration on your device.
Try the below quick checks to determine if it’s your device or not:
1. Try to play the live stream on your mobile device. If there is sound, then it will be your sound settings.
2. Play a song from your Spotify/Apple Music on your laptop. If there is NO sound, then it will be your sound settings.
3. Don’t have music on your work laptop? Play a recorded meeting with audio saved on your device. If there is NO sound, then it will be your sound settings.
Below are final steps to access your computer’s advanced sound configuration to test – it’s simple:
1. Type in sound in the Start menu, click on Open.
2. Click on the Advanced sound options
3. Toggle / test each sound app listed. Or consider resetting to the Microsoft recommended default button.
The live stream quality is blurry? Can it be improved
The live stream quality is blurry? Can it be improved
The quality of your live stream will depend on your internet connection.
Sometimes, the stream quality will default to Auto.
Click on the settings cog icon (bottom right of video stream panel) to see what your stream quality is set to.
If it is set to Auto, this is likely why your stream quality is blurry. Try setting it to 720p or 1080p.
Recommendation: Set it at 720p first to check that the quality improves. Allow for a 30-second lag for the connection to catch up to the stream quality. If your connection is poor and you set the stream quality too high, it may start to freeze. Try to find the right balance.
The live stream video is not displaying - All I can see is a black/grey screen?
The live stream video is not displaying – All I can see is a black/grey screen?
In almost all cases where the stream display is grey/black, is linked to the attendee’s work connection.
If you are in the office and connected to your office internet and network, it’s likely that it is your company network blocking the video. Try disconnecting from your office internet and network (incl. VPN), refresh the Stream page and check.
If you are not in the office, but connected to your work VPN, it’s also likely that the VPN is blocking the video. Try disconnecting from your work VPN, refresh the Stream page and check.
Alternatively, if this still does not work:
– Clear you cache
– Open the stream in a Private Browser
How do I ask a question during the live sessions?
How do I ask a question during the live sessions?
There is a live Q & A feature during the event. This is available on the “Live Stream • Q & A” tab to the right of the live stream pane. All questions are reviewed and monitored by the chairperson.
How do I schedule a 1-to-1 meeting?
How do I schedule a 1-to-1 meeting?
Click on an attendees profile photo or the Book Meeting button underneath the profile to open the attendee badge card.
When the card opens navigate to Book Meeting. You can then select the date, and the time slot (if they have any available). Enter a purpose of the meeting and click ‘Send request‘. When the attendee accepts your meeting, you will receive a notification.
Important note: You must first ensure your Availability has times selected. Then, if you still cannot book a meeting with an attendee, it is because they have not set their availability within the platform. Send them a Contact Invitation instead.
How do I chat or call an attendee?
How do I chat or call an attendee?
You must first be a Contact with an attendee before you can use the chat function.
To Invite to Connect, visit the Attendee tab. To the right of the “Book meeting” button is a green icon with + symbol. This will send an invitation to the attendee to connect. Once the attendee accepts, you can then use the chat.
To use the chat function, click on the 2 person icon on the right side of the screen and search for either name or company. Click on the speech bubble icon to message and on the camera icon to call.
You are able to contact everyone within this platform. To Cancel a Contact Invite, go to My Event > My Contacts > Sent Requests, then the 3 vertical black dots > Delete Request.
How do I set my meeting availability?
How do I set my meeting availability?
If you are a virtual delegate, your availability is automatically enabled for both days of the event and all times. In order to manage this, go to the ‘My Event‘ tab. Click on ‘Availability‘. Click on the time(s) you wish to turn on/off. The timings will then fade out.
If you are physical attending the event and using the mobile app, your availability is automatically disabled for the event. To activate your availability on the app, go to the top left menu icon (three horizontal bars) > Networking > Availability. Then select your preferred time(s) and day(s).
Please note, the desktop Availability and Mobile app Availability is not synced.
How do I accept/decline a meetng?
How do I accept/decline a meetng?
You can accept or reject a meeting within the ‘My Event‘ tab. Click on ‘My Meetings‘ and then ‘Pending Requests‘.
Each meeting request will have accept and reject buttons on the right hand side. If there is a red number on the bell icon atop the page, this will also notify you if you’ve received an invitation or your invitation has been accepted.
How do the scheduled meetings work?
How do the scheduled meetings work?
Scheduled meetings allow you to pre-book time with any attendee for a video call. Each attendee sets their own availability and then other attendees can request a call during one of these slots.
You do not need to be connected to the attendee to request a meeting. However, you must have your Availability times/days active, and the delegate you are attepting to schedule a meeting with must also have their Availability times/days active.
If the meeting is accepted, these meetings will show within your diary under My Event > My Meetings.
How can I tell if a meeting is pending or confirmed?
How can I tell if a meeting is pending or confirmed?
Navigate to the ‘My Event‘ tab, If a meeting is still pending, it will show in ‘Pending Requests‘. Once confirmed, it will move to ‘My Meetings’. It will also show in your diary.
Can I book a meeting with more than one attendee?
Can I book a meeting with more than one attendee?
Meetings can only be scheduled with one other attendee at any one time. However you can book a virtual meeting in The Hub if you wish to meet more than one attendee. The Hub is on the main navigation menu, where you can meet on networking tables for up to 4 or 20 people.
Will I get an email for all meeting notifications?
Will I get an email for all meeting notifications?
Notifications will be received within the platform when you are logged in, and on the mobile app. You will receive a pop up in the corner of the screen, and also a fixed notification within the ‘bell icon‘ on the right-hand profile bar. When not logged in you will receive reminders sent to your email of only sessions and meetings which you have added to your schedule.
How do I join a meeting and what happens?
How do I join a meeting and what happens?
To join a meeting, either go to ‘My Schedule‘ or ‘My Meetings‘.
In My Schedule, on the appropriate day and time, you will see the option to ‘Start meeting’.
From ‘My meetings’ you can click ‘Join’. When you click either button, a call window will appear. Your camera will automatically turn on, and you will wait for the other person to join.
Once joined, you can have a 1:1 video call. You are also able to share your screen.
How can I cancel or reschedule meetings?
How can I cancel or reschedule meetings?
Go to “My Event” > “My Meetings“. If you have already confirmed a meeting, go to My Meetings and Cancel.
If the meeting is not accepted, go to “Pending Requests” or “Sent Requests“.
What happens if 15 minutes is not enough for the meeting?
What happens if 15 minutes is not enough for the meeting?
Although the meeting slots are allocated every 15 minutes, once you are on a call, you can stay connected for as long as needed. It will not disconnect your meeting automatically.
How do I add a profile picture to my profile?
How do I add a profile picture to my profile?
Go to “My Event” > “My Profile“. Atop this section there will be a blank/grey icon image next to your name, company and job title.
Hover your mouse over this icon image and click the icon. You can Take a photo in live time or Upload an image from your computer.
How do I change my Interests?
How do I change my Interests?
Go to “My Event” > “My Profile” and scroll to the bottom of the page. You can select or deselect the interests in the field available.
How can I change my email?
How can I change my email?
You cannot change or edit your email on ConnectMe, as this is linked directly to your profile. The ConnectMe team would need to replace your existing profile (with email address) with your preferred email address.
To do this, email virtualevents@informa.com.au and include the name of event, your existing email address and preferred email to change.
Will my email address be available publicly to attendees?
Will my email address be available publicly to attendees?
No. All speaker and delegate emails are withheld from the event. Any networking is done within the platform features and separate.
How can I reset my password?
How can I reset my password?
Once logged in, go to “My Event” on the main tab, then “My Profile“. You can update your password and other details there.
What is a Magic Link?
What is a Magic Link?
An alternative to using your email address and password, you can opt for the Magic Link process. This avoids the need to remembering your password – instead, the system will email you a link to your inbox. Simply click on the link and enter your email address and it will give you access.
Please note: Some office email addresses experience delays in receiving the Magic Link, or do not receive the Magic Link due to their office network email firewall. If this occurs, it’s best to use the standard email and password to access the event, or email virtualevents@informa.com.au and send your personal email address which will avoid any delivery issues.
What happens if I don’t want to network at the event?
What happens if I don’t want to network at the event?
If you are unavailable to network or meet with attendees during the event, simply remove your availability under My Event on the main menu (on Desktop), then go to My Profile > Availability (at the very bottom), and uncheck the times/days in green. The grey line shows unavailable. Attendees will not be able to contact you.
On the mobile app, your availability is default to inactive so you do not need to de-select any times and won’t be available for meetings.
How can I set my networking availability?
How can I set my networking availability?
On Desktop your availability will default to available at all times throughout the event. To turn off, go to My Profile > Availability.
On Mobile however, your availability will default to no times available. To turn on, go to the app, tap to left menu > Networking > My Availability.
How do I remove my profile from the Attendee tab?
How do I remove my profile from the Attendee tab?
ConnectMe does not enable attendees to remove a profile from the platform. This is because your profile is needed in order for the platform to recognise your login to give you access. However, if you turn off your Availability from your profile other attendees will not be able to book meetings with you.
Also, if you do not log in to the ConnectMe platform at all, your profile will remain inactive and uncontactable.
How do I delete my profile on ConnectMe?
How do I delete my profile on ConnectMe?
Email virtualevents@informa.com.au to request your profile be deleted from the event.
Please note, once delete you will not have access to the on demand recording and any attendee information.
Is there a recording of the event?
Is there a recording of the event?
Each conference is different. Please check with the conference producer of customer service.
If you have paid for a virtual pass, generally there will be a recording after the event (4-5 days later). If you have paid for an On Demand add-on, then yes.
But if the event has not been streamed, there will not be a recording available.
What is Delegate Bag?
What is Delegate Bag?
This feature is currently disabled. However, you will receive a Dropbox link via an email 2-3 days after the event with speaker presentations and any sponsor or partner materials.
How do I contact someone for technical support?
How do I contact someone for technical support?
Navigate to the helpdesk on the left-hand side profile bar. Within the helpdesk you can use the support chat. Alternatively, email virtualevents@informa.com.au.
Please allow for time to respond during peak periods.