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What can people expect from Near Field Communications (NFC)?

20 Oct 2011, by Informa Insights


We had the chance to speak with Andrew Davis, Agency Director of Tapit, who will be speaking at the 7th Annual AIMIA Digital Summit on the 24th-26th of October in Sydney.

1. You’re speaking on day 2 of our 7th Annual AIMIA Digital Summit. Can you give us a brief overview about Tapit and your work on Near Field Communication?
2. Where do you see this technology being applied the most and what can digital consumers expect from this technology?
3. How can digital experts use NFC in their campaigns now and what advice would you give digital strategists looking to integrate NFC into their digital strategy?
4. As a start up, how important is it to be seen at industry events such as the AIMIA Digital Summit and what can we expect from your presentation on day 2 of the conference?
5. Finally, what do you hope to get out the conference and what are you looking forward to the most?

For more information, please click here or contact +61 2 9080 4307.
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