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Defence & Security | Planning & Design

We need to be concerned about coordinated attacks – Lofty Perch

14 Oct 2011, by Informa Insights

“We need to be concerned about coordinated attacks,” says Mark Fabro, President Chief Security Officer at Lofty Perch.

We had a chance to interview Mark Fabro at SCADA Conference 2010 and asked him these questions.


1. Stuxnet hit the headlines in 2010 and altered SCADA security across the globe. What key lessons were learned?

2. What are the key emerging issues facing SCADA teams for 2011 and beyond?

3. What benefits are achieved from attending this event? Is face to face networking lessened with internet communication?

4. Commonwealth countries, Australia, UK, Canada and New Zealand co-operate and share resources to increase SCADA resilience via CyberStorm exercises. Will these exercises need to occur more frequently with emerging platforms such as SmartGrid?

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