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Transport & Logistics

The quest for transparency in port valuations – 60 seconds with David Bayne, Port Economist

3 Nov 2014, by Informa Insights

Maritime Structures 2014 will take place in Sydney, 3-4 December. This is a two-day conference which explores the effective management of marine assets across their life cycle, whilst focusing on the latest port developments and expansions across Australia.

In the lead up, we sat down with David Bayne, Port Economist with Drewrys Shipping. An expert in port asset valuation and tariff restructuring, David has diverse global port experience. We stole 60 seconds’ of David’s time to talk about maritime structures…


David, please can you tell us a little bit about your background in infrastructure funding and the path to your current role at Drewrys?
My role in infrastructure funding started when I was the economist for the Albury/Wodonga Development Corporation and worked on cost recovery for headworks.

I was employed by the Port of Brisbane Authority as part of the team to develop the new port at Fisherman Islands. The tariff was designed to be a full-cost recovery user pay structure.  This was a basic structure that held until the privatisation of the port.

When P&O Ports started the International Ports Division I was appointed the Business Development Manager.  Following that, I was employed by P&O Ports on a retainer basis, a role that was renewed annually for a further 4.5 years.

What are the major challenges that you face in your position of Port Economist for Drewry Shipping Consultants?
As a Drewry associate for almost 18 years, my main role has been in port asset valuation and tariff restructuring, working in Europe and Asia.  The major challenge is structuring transparent pricing governance,  a concept that some find uncomfortable.

Is there a particular career highlight that you would like to tell us about?
Seeing the projects start as greenfield sites and returning 7 years later to see the ports in operation is greatly rewarding.

Can you give us some idea of what you will be speaking about at the Maritime Structures 2014 conference in Sydney?
In Sydney I will be speaking about ship sizes and the vessel design for various ports

What do you perceive as the biggest issue for ports when it comes to privatisation?
The biggest issue is encouraging transparency and the need for a balance between a reasonable return for a private operator whilst guarding against monopoly abuse.

To hear from David and a host of other speakers, book now for Maritime Structures 2014, 3-4 December in Sydney.

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