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Transport & Logistics

Presentations: Rail Suppliers 2013

9 Sep 2013, by Informa Insights

The Australian railway manufacturing industry annually generates $4.2 billion in revenue and is comparatively small in the global heavy engineering manufacturing industry. The local industry command a high level of technical expertise, however our niche manufacturers struggle to compete in the global market due to a strong Australian dollar.

At the same time, the Australian rail contracting sector is facing unique challenges and changes. While there is a huge gap between the demand for new infrastructure and the number of projects being funded, Infrastructure Australia has predicted that the investment for 2012 –2014 will be less than in 2011 -2012. The industry is further adjusting to a range of delivery models selected to meet the needs of specific projects and the trend towards price competition in the selection processes and higher tender process costs for owners and proponents. We have made the presentations from the 2013 ARA Rail Suppliers Forum available for viewing and download.

ARA ADDRESS: Chances and challenges for Australian rail manufacturing and contracting

Bryan Nye, CEO, Australasian Railway Association

[slideshare id=25739818&doc=bryannyeaustralasianrailwayassociation-130830000504-phpapp01]

CASE STUDY: An overview of Bombardier Transportation’s current projects

  • V/Line VLocity project
  • Melbourne trams
  • Adelaide EMU
  • Perth EMU’s

Andrew Spink, Director, Bombardier Transportation

[slideshare id=25739809&doc=andrewspinkbombardiertransportation-130830000441-phpapp01]

Expectations for SME’s working on major rail projects

  • An overview of the rail business, including key markets, products & services
  • Expectation of SME’s with respect to supplier assessment, performance measures, opportunities and benefits

Glenn Clifford, Supply Manager, Bradken

[slideshare id=25739834&doc=glenncliffordbradken-130830000600-phpapp02]

Update on the Rail Industry Development Strategy, the Rail Supplier Advocate and ICN National Sector Manager activities

Tony Carney, National Sector Manager – Rail, Industry Capability Network (ICN)

[slideshare id=25739864&doc=tonycarneyindustrycapabilitynetworkicn-130830000723-phpapp01]

Improving the global competitiveness of the rail supply chain, update on the rail supplier continuous improvement program

Sam McNaughton, National Manager – Continuous Improvement Network, Enterprise Connect

[slideshare id=25739846&doc=sammcnaughtonenterpriseconnect-130830000631-phpapp02]

Outlining experiences and benefits being gained from these activities

Mark Carling, Managing Director, Faiveley Transport

[slideshare id=25739843&doc=markcarlingfaiveleytransport-130830000626-phpapp01]

How to drive the costs out of rail manufacturing?

  • Creating a “cost less’ culture
  • Getting costs right-the-first-time designing costs out of your systems
  • Establishing front-end cost control techniques
  • Developing large scale cost reduction programs

Gary Stewart, Managing Director, Lean Design Australia

[slideshare id=25739832&doc=garystewartleandesignaustralia-130830000551-phpapp01&type=d]

What does sustainable manufacturing mean for Australia?

  • Benchmarking key global trends and their relevance
  • Incubating new concepts
  • Outlining the role of R&D in providing a competitive advantage

Sarah King, Leader Sustainable Manufacturing, CSIRO

[slideshare id=25739856&doc=sarahkingcsiro-130830000648-phpapp01]

International opportunities for Australian rail exporters

  • Examples of opportunities of potential interest
  • How Austrade can assist your business

Peter Ironmonger, Trade Adviser Resources and Infrastructure, Australian Trade Commission (Austrade)

[slideshare id=25739845&doc=peterironmongeraustraliantradecommissionaustrade-130830000629-phpapp01]

Outlining trends in rail project delivery

Ashley Douglas, National Pre-Contracts Manager, John Holland Rail Australia

[slideshare id=25739811&doc=ashleydouglasjohnhollandrailaustralia-130830000450-phpapp02]

CASE STUDY: The Metro Area Express (MAX) light rail program

  • An overview of the proposed new light rail network for Perth

Dave Thomas, Project Director – MAX, Department of Transport, WA

[slideshare id=25739823&doc=davethomasdepartmentoftransportwa-130830000521-phpapp02]

CASE STUDY: Planning & delivering the Moreton Bay Rail Link

  • Outlining the project scope and timeline
  • Opportunities for the rail contracting sector

Mango Murphy, Project Director Moreton Bay Rail Link, Department of Transport & Main Roads, QLD

[slideshare id=25739840&doc=mangomurphydepartmentoftransportmainroadsqld-130830000621-phpapp01]

CASE STUDY: South Australia’s rail revitalisation programme

Emma Thomas, Rail Commissioner, Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, SA

[slideshare id=25739830&doc=emmathomasdepartmentofplanningtransportandinfrastructuresa-130830000546-phpapp01]

CASE STUDY: Update on Adelaide’s Metropolitan rail upgrade

Sevan Simonian, Project Manager Adelaide Metropolitan Rail Upgrade, John Holland Rail

[slideshare id=25739863&doc=sevansimonianjohnhollandrail-130830000720-phpapp02]

MTM requirement and expectations from their current supply chain

  • Opportunities in the short to medium term
  • Areas for improvement in the current set up
  • Focussing on infrastructure and communications

Jason Westwood, Metro Trains Melbourne

[slideshare id=25739825&doc=davidsingletoninfrastructuresustainabilitycouncilaustralia-130830000528-phpapp02]

Infrastructure sustainability for rail projects

  • Introducing the IS rating tool
  • How will it impact on rail project delivery?

David Singleton, Chairman, Infrastructure Sustainability Council Australia

[slideshare id=25739825&doc=davidsingletoninfrastructuresustainabilitycouncilaustralia-130830000528-phpapp02]

CASE STUDY: The Auckland re-signalling project – Lessons for the rail contracting sector

  • Modernising a total railway within one project
  • Project overview and delivery method
  • Outcomes and lessons learnt

Steve Boshier, Chairman, ARISEG

[slideshare id=25739806&doc=steveboshierariseg-130830000432-phpapp01]

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