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Poll: Will the proposal to increase the FDI limit in India’s media sector further collaboration between Australia and Asia?

2 Oct 2013, by Informa Insights

The Indian Government are formulating a proposal which could transform the media industry. A proposal to lift foreign direct investment (FDI) in the sector to 100% on a case by case basis could help the struggling industry and provoke a great deal of change to the media landscape both in Asia and Australia.

In your opinion, will the proposal to increase the FDI limit in India’s media sector further collaboration between Australia and Asia?

[polldaddy poll=7441965]

Media Opportunities in the Asian Century

The upcoming Media Opportunities in the Asian Century conference will look at the rapidly changing media landscape in Australia and Asia. The key topics that will be covered include convergence, print media, online migration of content, multicultural media and the multicultural factor in regional vs national media. Visit the official conference website for more information.

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