On the 1st August The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) commenced the largest ever health check on the mechanical condition of Australia’s heavy vehicle fleet – The
National Road-worthiness Baseline Survey. Approximately 1.7% of the heavy vehicles across Australia will be inspected by Authorised Officers within each jurisdiction.
This is the first time that heavy vehicles will be inspected against the same criteria using the NHVA manual. This project will allow the NHVR to properly understand the health and road-worthiness of Australia’s 520,000 strong heavy vehicle fleet.
NHVR are sure that the data collected from the survey once collated will help them find ways to improve the safety of the national fleet seeing major safety wins for the nation’s road network.
This is a huge step toward national harmonisation for an industry where these checks would traditionally have been conducted by each state and territory individually. Past inconsistencies should now be eliminated as a central database will be updated with pooled statistics. The central pool will provide authorities with a resource from which they can read national trends in the sector and ensure compliance across borders. The safety wins from such a project will be exponential.
The NHVR will be one of a host of industry speakers at the upcoming 10th annual Chain of Responsibility and Heavy Vehicle Safety Conference which is taking place at the Pullman Quay Grand Sydney in November.
Hear form NHVR on the early learnings from the health check, the challenges industry are facing and how your business can work with the NHVR to ensure compliance.
Join the discussion as we bring together operators, safety experts and regulators from across the supply and compliance chain. The conference will demonstrate recent case-studies and give practical advice with regards to heavy vehicle safety and CoR compliance. Check out how to register here.