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Transport & Logistics

Is asset privatisation the key to achieve funding for future projects?

22 Oct 2013, by Informa Insights

As governments look to fill Australia’s infrastructure gaps and pay down debts, privatising commercially viable assets to generate funds for future projects is becoming an increasingly appealing option.

The recent and most significant recent example is the 99 year, $5.07billion lease of Port Botany and Port Kembla by the NSW Government to the NSW Ports Consortium in April. The funds raised from this historic transaction will be used in part to build major road infrastructure projects, including Westconnex.

In his budget speech, NSW Treasurer Mike Baird said of the deal: “By recycling assets that are not part of core public service delivery, we have created a capacity to invest in new infrastructure, without pushing debt to levels that would trigger a rating downgrade”

Furthermore, in his Commission of Audit Report, former Federal Treasurer Peter Costello strongly recommended the Queensland Government sell its state-owned businesses as part of a road map to regain its AAA rating.

selling off government owned businesses
selling off government owned businesses

Given what a pertinent issue asset privatisation is, Informa is proud to host its inaugural Asset Privatisation Briefing Day.   ImageThe program includes analysis of the motivations for recycling capital plus state-based reviews on recent asset sales and updates on future plans for privatisation. Key speakers include:

  • Garry Goddard, Deputy Under Treasurer, SA Government
  • Michael Kilgariff, CEO, Australian Logistics Council
  • Jonathan Burns, Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers
  • Stephen Ferris, National Infrastructure Valuation Leader, Deloitte
  • Kate Cahill, Partner, Herbert Smith Freehills
  • Dr Cameron Gordon, Associate Professor of Economics, University of Canberra
  • Jonathan Myers, CEO, Marchment Hill Consulting

Key topics include:

  • Why privatise? Looking at the motivations for recycling capital
  • The asset sale pipeline: who and what is next?
  • State-based case studies and updates
  • Managing public perceptions on future asset sales
  • Examining the appetite for public assets from the private sector
  • Understanding the opportunities for the wider community in privatization
  • Understanding the asset balance sheet and deciding what to unload
  • Effectively valuing public infrastructure assets

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