We had the opportunity to speak with Geoffrey Askew AM GAICD, Principal of Askew and Associates and Former Senior Executive and Head of Security & Emergency Management for Qantas. He will be speaking at Informa’s 7th Aviation Security Summit on 21-22 March 2012 in Canberra. Hear what he had to say.
We asked…
1. A decade after 9/11 aviation security has evolved significantly. Where do you see the most important developments both in Australia & internationally?
2. What are the ‘over-the-horizon’ threats we can expect to confront the industry in the next decade?
3. Especially for smaller and regional airports, the high costs associated with aviation security equipment and personnel are often stated as an inhibiting factor. How do funding issues impact on aviation security as a whole? What would be a better funding model?
4. While screening technology is advancing at an incredible pace, the human factor is still seen as a major issue impacting on aviation security. With demands increasing for our security personnel, how can we prepare them better to perform their tasks?
5. You will be the Chairman at the 7th annual Asia Pacific AVSEC conference in Canberra. What discussions would you like to have with industry peers at the forum?
If you’d like more information the conference, go to the 7th Aviation Security Summit website here.