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Mining & Resources

Close-up: Paul Runge

24 Jul 2013, by Informa Insights

Paul Runge Africa Project access
Paul Runge

Paul Runge is MD of the specialised consulting firm Africa Project Access. His company supplies approximately 120 companies and organisations with early alerts of projects across a broad range of sectors in Sub-Saharan Africa. As a former diplomat, he served in Gabon and supervised projects in the Cape Verde Islands. He spent six years with the South African Foreign Trade Organisation and led many of the first South African business delegations into other African countries. He regularly undertakes assignments into Africa.  He writes for several publications and has published Potholes & Profits: Business (& other) Conversations and Experiences from Africa. He speaks English, Afrikaans, French and German, is conversant in Portuguese and has studied Zulu.

Paul recently delivered  a presentation on infrastructure projects supporting the coal initiatives in Mozambique at the Mozambique Coal conference. We have made his presentation available for download and viewing.

[slideshare id=24596664&doc=paulrungeafricaprojectaccess-130724192747-phpapp01]


Apart from Africa, Paul’s other main interest is helping to combat drug abuse within his capacity as a Rotarian and member of the Central Rand board of South Africa National Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse (SANCA).  He was recently nominated by Rotary as a Paul Harris Fellow in acknowledgement of his anti drug abuse work.

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