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Transport & Logistics

Building Melbourne Metro Rail is on the cards under Project 10,000

12 Sep 2014, by Informa Insights

Victorian Labor Opposition has released its transport alternative, Project 10,000, early August.

victorian-labor-project-10000Leader of the Opposition Daniel Andrews said in the project statement:

Project 10,000 will dramatically improve road safety and will allow for hundreds of extra trains on our lines. Removing these traffic bottlenecks will also be a huge boost for productivity and the Victorian economy.

Apart from removing Victoria’s 50 worst level crossings, getting tens of thousands of vehicles a day off the West Gate Bridge, guaranteeing $2b for country and suburban roads and creating 10,000 construction jobs, Victorian Labor promises to build Melbourne Metro Rail, as part of Project 10,000.

The estimated $9 billion job of building Melbourne Metro Rail will double the size of the city loop.

As part of a future Victorian Labor Government’s first budget, $300 million will be committed to complete the planning, design and early works of Melbourne Metro Rail.

It will also commit one third of the construction cost of Melbourne Metro Rail.

Another third of the construction cost will be raised from private sources, with Infrastructure Victoria developing options to engage the private sector in the delivery of the project.

In keeping with precedent set by the State-Federal funding partnership that has enabled the delivery of the Regional Rail Link, the Commonwealth Government will be lobbied aggressively to co-invest the last third of the construction cost.

While the realisation of the full project will require partnership with the Commonwealth Government and the private sector – as well as the removal of key level crossings as set out in Project 10,000 – Melbourne Metro Rail will happen under Victorian Labor.

You can find out more about Project 10,000 here.

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