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Transport & Logistics

Australia leading the World in Aviation Security

27 Apr 2012, by Informa Insights

The 7th annual Asia Pacific AVSEC 2012 continued its tradition of attracting key players and decision makers from the aviation security sector both nationally and internationally. The event provided a unique and relaxed networking platform that offered speakers and delegates the opportunity to engage in a thorough debate about aviation security today and in the future.

Australian Ambassador for Counter-Terrorism, His Excellency Bill Paterson PSM reminded the audience that “the aviation industry – and not simply aircraft – will remain a target of terrorist choice, because of its potential for mass casualty impact, its visibility, geographic spread, many infrastructural and personnel points of vulnerability, its critical economic importance and its highly variable standards, facilities, commitment and capabilities across national boundaries.”

Paul Retter AM, Executive Director at Office of Transport Security, Department of Infrastructure and Transport touched on a new approach to closed charter security and invited the aviation industry to provide feedback on a new airport front-of-house policy package.

Retter revealed that … Australia is leading the rest of the world in terms of LAGs strategy, after Europe was forced to postpone its rather radical proposal last year in the face of opposition from those who said the move was premature. For more details on Paul Retter’s presentation, view Doug Nancarrow’s article in Aviation Business Magazine.

Assistant Commissioner Shane Connelly, National Manager Aviation, Australian Federal Police highlighted the vulnerability of Australia’s domestic airline as one of the main areas of concern and pointed out that the 9/11 attacks were executed on domestic flights.

Carolina Ramirez Taborda, Assistant Director Secure Freight at IATA, Switzerland focussed her presentation on extending global partnerships to enhance cargo security. Ms Taborda highlighted the inconsistent security regulatory environment with limited international recognition as one of the key challenges for improved cargo security.

Conference day two placed a strong emphasis on human factors and passenger facilitation in the security process. Andrew McClumpha, Associate at  Booz & Co, UK highlighted the important role that screeners play in a demanding, time pressured environment.

Prof Michael Breadmore, from the Australian Centre for Research on Separation Science (ACROSS) at the University of Tasmania delivered a fascinating presentation on the destructive impact of inorganic, improvised fertiliser-type explosives and possible methods aiding their detection.

Further program highlights included presentations by:

Andrew Coose, Transport Security Administration Representative, USA

Ben Martin, President, Aviation Law Association & Partner, Norton White Lawyers

Grant Woods, former General Manager Airport Operations, Sydney Airport Corporation

Tony LeRay-Meyer, Manager Threat Assessment Group Security and Facilitation, Qantas

Philip Baum, Managing Director, Green Light, UK

Bill Burke, CEO, Mildura Airport

Mark your diary: The 8th annual Asia Pacific AVSEC will be held in March 2013 in Canberra. For more information contact Tim Bostridge:

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