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and .overview
Key Learning Objectives
- Overview of the importance of UGS worldwide
- Understand key drivers for UGS in Australia and how UGS can be a game changer in Australia’s gas industry
- Understand geological prerequisites
- Examine the differences between salt cavern and depleted reservoir UGS
- Examine the technical, commercial and regulatory fundamentals of UGS
- Developer/owner/operator of UGS facilities’ risk/reward profile
- UGS customer who leases capacity risk/reward profile
- Gain insights into the current and future requirements for UGS in Australia
Who Will Benefit
- Those in technical, commercial, regulatory, marketing, management and leadership positions in a gas storage development/operations organisations
- Advisors and leadership in financial institutions seeking to lend finances to capital intensive UGS projects
- Government technical and commercial regulators of UGS
- Those in commercial, managerial and leadership positions with large gas end users, retailers, traders, financial institutions, gas production companies, and pipeline companies who may lease capacity in an UGS facility in the future
- Consultants and policy makers
About the Course
The course begins by examining the generally accepted categories of UGS by commercial application, location within a gas grid, and by technical features. The general attributes of such UGS facilities will be discussed for each category.
A benchmarking of UGS facilities in OECD countries highlights the importance of this sector in an efficient and open gas market to all sectors of the gas industry and how Australia has to date, lagged in this regard. The key drivers for UGS development and operation in Eastern Australia will be identified.
Some examples of best in class UGS facilities from around the world will be presented as case studies and the unique and tailor made regulatory environment that UGS facilities demand will be discussed as well as gaps identified in Australia’s current regime.
The value of UGS to various market participants will be examined and how this value evolves as the local gas market matures, along with a look at risk assessment and mitigation.
Finally the roles of the storage owner/operator and its customers will be discussed as well as the relationship between owner/operator and its customers.
The course material will be supplemented with various practical examples and illustrations of concepts taught to assist learning.
“Over the years I have attended many training courses provided by [Informa Corporate Learning]. I have always found the course content to be relevant and accurate and the course facilitators to be leaders in their field.”
Analyst, Eni Australia Ltd.
Terms & Conditions
To read the training course terms and conditions read more here
Course Outline
UGS overview
- What is UGS
- How important is this sector to overseas markets and why
- Why Australia lags many other gas markets in this regard
- UGS characteristics
UGS categories
- Location: market, supply or hub
- Commercial: economically regulated or market based rates
- Geological: salt cavern or pore storage
- Overview of UGS worldwide
- Australia’s situation
The value of UGS
- The owner’s perspective
- The customer’s perspective
- The government’s perspective
Case studies
- Acquisition of brown field facilities
- Development of green field projects
- Salt cavern UGS facilities
- Depleted reservoir UGS facilities
Risk/reward assessment and mitigation
- Major risk identification (technical, commercial and regulatory)
- Major opportunity identification
Regulatory requirements
- Why the greenhouse storage acts are insufficient
- Why the petroleum acts and mining acts are insufficient
- Why regulatory certainty is important
- Why high quality standards are important
Roles within the sector
- Owner/operator role
- The UGS customer role
- STTM and financial market role
Access to low cost infrastructure capacity role
On-site & in-house training
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Still have a question?
Sushil Kunwar
Training Consultant
+61 (0)2 9080 4395