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and .overview
Key Learning Objectives
- Learn the basis of offshore floating production systems and field layout requirements
- Analyse the functions and types of FPSO/subsea building blocks
- Understand the design and operational factors of FPSO vessels
- Risers – their requirements, designs and how to monitor integrity
- The functions, processes and layouts of topside systems
- Review FPSO safety requirements and safety case regulations
- Learn from cases of various deepwater systems issues that have been managed
- A 45 minute video case study of a full field development with an FPSO
About the Course
Across the world, oil and gas is being found and produced in ever deeper waters.
Here, water depth, ocean currents and harsh weather conditions may all influence the decision on which type of production installation to use. A fixed installation may not be technically feasible in a particularly challenging location where a floating unit would offer the best solution.
The offshore oil and gas industry has been using floating production, storage and offloading systems, or FPSOs, since the mid-1970s.
This course examines key components of FPSO design, systems development, subsea engineering, operations and economics for the development and management of FPSOs.
In addition to the extensive notes and figures, DVDs and CDs of field development, and various vessels and equipment will be included throughout the course.
The course style is interactive, and participants will be encouraged to share ideas, problems and benchmark against lessons learnt.
Who Will Benefit
Engineers, geophysicists, managers and production personnel in the petroleum industry who need to understand the intricacies of designing and operating a floating production vessel and how it is integrated with subsea systems and topsides processing
“most liked John’s style, expertise, and broad knowledge… Very comprehensive course notes which are essential for a course of this level”
OHS Inspector, NOPSA
“Well presented with mixture of media used. Easy to stay engaged”
CEO, Otto Energy Ltd
Terms & Conditions
To read the training course terms and conditions read more here
Course Outline
Introduction & review of floating production systems
- Background and general trends in offshore production
- Review of fields developed with floaters and subsea production systems
- Influence of pressure, temperature and field chemistry on production system
- Geographic requirements
- Typical field development contracts
- Global energy review
FPSO system requirements
- Functional requirements
- Monohull, semi-submersible, deep draught semi-sub, SPAR and TLP options
- Layout and safety
- Newbuild or conversion
- New developments (Sevan)
FPSO field layout requirements
- Field layout requirements
- Subsea wells
- Mooring patterns
- Operations and vessel movements in the field
- Drilling issues
- Seabed/geohazards
- Workovers
FPSO monohull design requirements & model testing
- Design requirements
- Vessel Hydrodynamic Analysis
- Examining design requirements
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
- Hydrodynamic model testing
- Wind tunnel testing
- Response Amplitude Operators (RAO)
- FPSO motions and current forces
Mooring systems
- Examining typical systems
- Components
- Analysis/design
- Materials
- Safety factors
- Buoys
- Anchors
- Installation
- New system configurations
Turret design
- Definition of functions
- FPSO layout
- Vessel motions and mooring forces
- Turret size vs capacity
- Structural interfaces
- Swivels and drag chains
- Bearing systems
- Mooring lines and riser connections/handling
- Fluid transfer systems
FPSO operational issues
- What to do with the gas
- Alternative technology – floating LNG and gas conversion
- FPSO and tanker sizing and selection
- FPSO topsides facilities modification/upgrading – examples
- FPSO deck operations – use of cranes
- FPSO power requirements and usage
Summary of subsea production systems (SPS) building blocks
- Examining the main building blocks
- Well completions and Xmas trees
- Manifolds and templates
- Flowlines and pipelines
- Subsea control systems
- Umbilicals
Risers (flexible dynamic/towers/steel catenary)
- System requirements
- Flexible dynamic risers – design and fabrication
- Computer models
- Integrity monitoring
- Deepwater requirements
- Integrated production bundle risers
- Hybrid risers and riser towers
- Steel catenary risers
Introduction to FPSO topsides processing systems
- Ffunction of process and utility plant (reservoir interaction, typical, reservoir fluids, product specifications, environmental constraints)
Processing facilities (separation, compression, produced water, water injection utilities) - Effect of motion
- Oil separation
- Gas compression
Case study no 1: Alba field FSO (North Sea) – Detailed Analysis of an FSO
- Field layout
- FSO vessel
- Turret/swivel
- Deck piping system
- Export system
Shuttle tanker and export options
- Types of tankers (shuttle tankers with DP thrusters, standard trading tankers, capacities)
- Loading/offloading rates
- Operational schedules
- Offloading transfer systems (direct or remote)
- Metering systems
- Safety records
FPSO safety requirements
- Offshore safety incidents
- Safety case – latest regulations
- Design and safety assessment for floating installations
- Certification/verification/classification
- Discussion with examples
- Environmental issues
Case Study no. 2: Deepwater fields
- Deepwater issues and range of production systems
- Current worldwide status – Brazil, Gulf of Mexico, North Sea, West Africa, South East Asia and Australia
Case Study no. 3: Anasuria FPSO
Video of a full field development with an FPSO
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Still have a question?
Sushil Kunwar
Training Consultant
+61 (0)2 9080 4395