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Magnetite Beneficiation & Processing Fundamentals
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Magnetite Beneficiation & Processing Fundamentals

1-Day Training Course: A Technical Introduction for Investors & Industry Newcomers. Learn about the properties of magnetite, its processing requirements, & what makes it a saleable iron ore that’s of market quality & meets customer requirements

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Key Learning Objectives

  • Appreciate the formation of iron ores and how this determines their properties
  • Understand the impact of impurities on downstream users and understand why some ores are sellable and some are not
  • Explain the chemical and physical properties of ores that customers need
  • Review the major types of iron ore and their characteristics which allow them to be upgraded
  • Examine the major methods of upgrading magnetite ores
  • Compare the likely capital and operating costs of each upgrading process
  • Review the factors which might lead to a successful project
  • Compare practical processing projects from around the world

About the Course

The users of iron ore have a number of specific characteristics they are looking for. This means that while iron ore is a bulk commodity the market for some ores is very limited.

The course is designed to explain what the users of iron ore are looking for in both physical and chemical properties and how processing the ore can create the necessary properties.

Participants will look at the typical types of iron ore deposits and how each may be processed to achieve a sellable product.

It will also outline the process routes to treat magnetite and demonstrate the benefits of each type of material. Magnetite almost always needs processing to reach a satisfactory grade, therefore a focus of this is necessary.

Test work programs that need to be developed for each type of ore and how they impact on the process design will also be covered.

The course will highlight the major capital and operating cost factors for each processing route and indicate the type of features that will be needed for a successful project.

Who Will Benefit

The course is designed for people who need to understand which features of an iron ore body are important from a processing and end user point of view. Geologists, mineral process engineers, managers and directors of project development companies, design engineers moving into a mineral processing field and other technical personnel planning to enter the iron ore industry. Finance personnel being asked to fund projects and new mining industry graduates will also find this beneficial, however some understanding of basic mineral processing is recommended

Our Exploration, Mining & Processing Fundamentals course is a good precursor to this one

A CPD Course

Use this course to help fulfil your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) educational requirements to retain your professional/chartered status. Contact your relevant association to learn how


The instructor] brought forth a wealth of experience and knowledge. Having travelled widely he was able to relay his experiences of ore processing around the world.
Mining Engineer, Fortescue Metals Group

Course Outline

The basis of iron ore deposits

  • Why so much iron
  • Sedimentary deposits
  • Early evidence of climate change
  • Common ore names and their features
  • The stratigraphy of the Pilbara (metallurgical view)

What are customers looking for?

  • The final product – steel
  • Impact of chemical impurities
  • The Steel making process – what can be removed
  • The blast furnace process and other reduction processes
  • Physical characteristics of ore
  • Sintering and pelletising

Magnetite ores

  • Major types and features – silica based, carbonate based, vanado titanomagnetites
  • How do they respond to testwork?
  • Typical properties and cost saving opportunities
  • Typical results

Magnetite upgrading process

  • Staged size reduction
  • Crushing or grinding
  • Magnetic concentration
  • The final polish
  • Do we need to agglomerate?
  • Transportation of magnetite

Case examples in magnetite processing

This section will examine three of the latest concepts in magnetite processing designs and upgrades

  • Empire Mine
  • Savage River
  • Whyalla (Onesteel)

Operating and capital costs

  • Where is the money spent
  • Major capital expenditure
  • Principle operating cost
  • Comparison of process routes

What makes a successful project?

  • Ore Characteristics – are you a salesman?
  • Location, location, location
  • Infrastructure priorities
  • Putting costs and prices in context
  • Which is best hematite or magnetite – the big picture
  • How global projects are linked

Case study discussion on global projects

  • Compare ore bodies from around the world
  • Analyse real life projects with images and discussion
  • Pictures and discussion of actual upgrade processes in operation

On-site & in-house training

Deliver this course how you want, where you want, when you want – and save up to 40%! 8+ employees seeking training on the same topic?

Talk to us about an on-site/in-house & customised solution.


Still have a question?

Sushil Kunwar
Training Consultant
+61 (0)2 9080 4395

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