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and .overview
Key Learning Objectives
- Discover the four-step tried and tested approach to chute design
- Appreciate the importance of calculating the material trajectory accurately
- Learn how to use your site observations to correct design faults
- Manage cohesive and adhesive ores that create chute blockages or require regular cleaning
- Learn methodologies for minimising dust generation
- Determine how wear can be minimised in a transfer chute through material flow control
- Gain a working knowledge of design evaluation, when it should be used and what is the best method
About the Course
The course will look at the design of numerous types of transfer chutes, how to select the correct type, and the limitations of each design.
It will then look at the basic considerations that need to be taken into account when calculating the material trajectory, the various methodologies developed and then work through trajectory calculations using software developed by the instructor and Dr Sham Huque.
Practical aspects of transfer chute design, and things we can learn from site observations will be discussed, along with the theoretical design of all types of transfers in a step by step logical way. It will look at ways designers can take advantage in the design process from the design experience of the instructor.
Some other areas covered include:
- Practical ways how to manage wet and cohesive materials that have the propensity to create chute blockages or require regular cleaning
- How dust can be absolutely minimised in a transfer chute without using a bag house
- Design evaluations methods such as DEM and dynamic scale modelling and show participants the limitations of both methods.It will make recommendations as to what is the best approach
- Wear and how it can be best managed and minimised in a transfer chute
- Various wear mediums that are used and how to select the best solution
Finally the course will look issues raised by participants and then move onto a practical exercise in designing a transfer.
Who Will Benefit
The course is follow on from our ‘Transfer Chute Design Fundamentals’ course. It’s designed for those who would like to make their plant operations more efficient
- The mechanical, design or system designer who would like to design better transfers
- The maintenance or reliability engineer, maintenance superintendent or manager who is frustrated by the ongoing transfer chute problems being encountered or would like to improve efficiency
- The graduate engineer looking to learn practical skills as part of professional development
Terms & Conditions
To read the training course terms and conditions read more here
Course Outline
Introduction and review of bulk handling
- Short overview of bulk handling systems of today
- Various examples of transfer chute problems
- Review of the role and function of the chute within a bulk materials handling system
Why good chute design is critical
- Why chute design is important
- The impacts of plant layout on chute designs, and vice versa
- Examining various types of chutes, including chutes with magnets, samplers and diverters
- Chute layout parameters
Trajectory calculation
- Trajectory fundamentals
- Why it is the key to transfer chute success?
- How to accurately calculate trajectories
Chute design theory
- Basic design considerations
- Optimal chute selection
- The four steps to designing a transfer
- Problem solving through observation rather than theory
Designing different types of transfers
- Selecting the correct transfer for the application
- The different transfers and how they are designed
- Making incremental improvements on transfers
- How to integrate the design of various components so that it fits together well, and it’s constructible and maintainable
Skirt system design
- Key design parameters
- Skirt design limitations and maintenance issues
Design evaluation
- Evaluating a design before it is built using DEM
- Evaluating a design before it is built using dynamic scale modeling
Assessing design evaluation methods
- Discrete Element Modeling (DEM)
- Dynamic Scale Modeling (DSM)
- Other methods
- Benefits and limitations of each
- How well do these methods predict flow in chutes?
- Possible approaches for optimal evaluation
Examining issues with wet and cohesive materials
- Designing when the material has high moisture content
- Designing for cohesive materials that can create chute blockages
- Designing for ore types that require regular chute cleaning
- Improving flow rates
- Discussion and troubleshooting of specific problems raised by participants
Addressing and minimising dust issues
- How dust is created at a transfer point
- Methods to design out and prevent dust generation
- Minimising dust at the transfer point without a bag house or dust suppressant system
- Group discussion about dust and dust minimisation
Addressing and minimising wear issues
- Examining various types of wear mechanisms
- Looking at various wear mediums that could be used in transfer chutes
- How to accurately predict potential wear issues in the design process
- How to understand wear issues better in the design process
- How wear can be managed
- How wear can be minimised in a transfer chute – how to select the best solution
- Discussion and troubleshooting of specific problems raised by participants relating to wear problems
Examining other transfer chute issues
- Analysing other problems in transfer chutes such as attrition, plugging and spillage
- How to design for problems. How can you predict issues before they occur?
- Preventing and minimising particle attrition
- Eliminating spillage from chutes
- Case examples
- Group discussion
Case examples and analysis
There will be detailed examination throughout the course of various chute designs – good ones, bad ones, and mediocre. This session will be a further opportunity to learn through benchmarking against a myriad of industry examples.
- Observations over the years of what worked, what didn’t
- What was done to fix those problems that didn’t work
- What have we learnt from the good and the bad?
Interactive design exercise
Designing a transfer chute
This session will be a practical application of the theory and case examples discussed throughout the preceding couple of days. This is envisaged to take a number of hours, with the participants using their laptops, supported by trajectory software provided by the instructor.
The purpose of the session is to actually design a basic transfer chute from scratch, guided by key parameters and through the instructor’s assistance. Constructability and maintainability are fundamental principles reflected on throughout this session.
Parameters considered will include
- Key aspects of material properties like cohesive properties, particle size and size distribution, flow properties, strength
- Bulk handling systems and their effects on chute designs: shape, ease of fabrication, clearance dimensions etc
- Chute sizing considerations based on these processes
- Understanding potential issues with surge, dust, blockages, wear etc
This design exercise is to help provide participants with a foundation of basic engineering principles through practical application, to then take this example and understanding back to their workplace to use, test, and benchmark it against existing designs and operations at their workplace.
Review, wrap-up and summary of course
On-site & in-house training
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Still have a question?
Sushil Kunwar
Training Consultant
+61 (0)2 9080 4395