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and .overview
Key Learning Objectives
- Confidently define and distinguish between the terms ‘hazard’ and ‘risk’
- Understand the structure of the process that leads to damage and loss
- Comprehend the meaning of the term ‘safe’ and its relationship to the process of risk assessment
- Examine technical risk assessment their social, organisational and legal context
- Complete a Fault Tree Analysis and apply probability estimates to it
- Perform an Outcome (Event) Analysis and apply probability estimates to it
About the Course
The risk that is experienced during the life of an industrial process or infrastructure facility is influenced by its original design, by its condition as it ages and by the way in which it is used.
Designers can have a powerful influence through the risk factors in an industrial process if they have sufficient insight into what can go wrong. The need to design safe operations with large energy sources lead engineers heavy industry to develop structured methods to provide this insight – Preliminary Risk Assessment, Fault Tree Analysis and Outcome (also known as Event) Analysis.
These methods are able to provide strategic insights into capital decisions during preliminary design, insight into beneficial design features in the detailed design stage and assist with maintenance and replacement decisions with risk effects.
While the most common application of these tools is in the heavy industry, they can be applied to understanding risk in any productive system.
These tools assist in understanding what can go wrong. Adding probabilities to the analysis assists in understanding how often it will go wrong, which is useful for determining the effectiveness and value of proposed improvements.
Participants will need a laptop computer and should come prepared with a case study of interest to them.
Who Will Benefit
Engineers involved in the civil, mechanical or electrical design of infrastructure facilities, industrial processes or equipment and transport equipment.
Participants will need a laptop computer and should come prepared with a case study of interest to them.
“Derek’s knowledge on the subject was exceptional. I enjoyed the use of anecdotal evidence to support theory. Real life examples were very valuable”
Engineering Manager, Siemens
“Systematic/quantitative approach, obvious experience and content knowledge”
Senior Structural Engineer, QLD Rail
Terms & Conditions
To read the training course terms and conditions read more here
Course Outline
Session 1: Introduction
- Personal introductions
- Course overview, individual expectations, interests and experience
Session 2: Essential features of the process leading to damage and loss
- Energy-damage and hazard
- Time sequence – the occurrence and its consequence
- Uncertainty – probability, exposure and frequency
- Risk as a function of frequency and consequence
- The units and meaning of risk
- The risk diagram
- The concept of safe
- The structure of risk assessment
Session 3: Preliminary risk assessment
- Energy inventory
- Risk reduction strategies
Session 4: Fault Tree analysis
- Energy-based top events
- Determining generic mechanisms
- Diagram principles (And, OR gates and simple Boolean Algebra)
Session 5: Fault Tree analysis – Individual activity
- Setting up a Fault Tree on a spreadsheet
- Developing a Fault Tree for your own case
Session 6: Outcome (event) analysis
- Example – Logic diagram appearance
- Example – Choice of questions
Session 7: Outcome analysis – Individual activity
- Setting up an outcome analysis on a spreadsheet
- Developing an outcome analysis for your own case
Session 8: Summary & discussion
Session 9: Probability estimates
- Sources of generic data
- Common mode failures
- Frequency and probability, distinctions and uses
Session 10: Adding probabilities to risk models – Individual activity
- Generic probabilities of component failures in the Fault Tree
- Probability estimates in the outcome analysis
Session 11: Summary & course overview
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Still have a question?
Sushil Kunwar
Training Consultant
+61 (0)2 9080 4395