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and .overview
Key Learning Objectives
- Review of the international shipping and trade industry, the law of the sea and maritime boundaries
- Examine and interpret current legal requirements and obligations
- Review international conventions, statutory/common law obligations and regulatory processes
- Examine private law areas of admiralty and arrest, carriage of goods by sea and ship charters, marine pollution and oil spills, collisions, groundings, wreck and pilotage law
- Limitations of liability by shipowners and how to manage and resolve disputes
- Systematically review your business and regulatory activities
- Develop processes to ensure your activities are conducted with legal competence
- Implement changes consistent with law that improve business clarity and structure
- Ensure activities achieve maximum risk management against the regulatory structure
- Consider effective methods of dispute resolution
About the Course
This course provides participants with a fundamental grounding in key areas of maritime and shipping law which is important for working in the shipping, trade, ports, marine environment, regulatory and governmental policy areas of today.
The course begins with an introduction to the international shipping and trade backgrounds and then moves on to the public law areas such as law of the sea and maritime boundaries.
The course then continues by examining the private law areas of admiralty and arrest, carriage of goods by sea and ship charters, marine pollution and oil spills, collisions, groundings, wreck and how pilotage law works. It concludes with some aspects of limitation of liability by shipowners and how to manage and resolve disputes.
The material will include selected representative documents on topics and the course will be supplemented with various practical problems for course members to address.
Who Will Benefit
Those involved in management in industry or government with maritime activities of any sort; including shipping operations and management, ports, carriage by sea, government regulators, government policy makers and lawyers seeking an introduction to maritime and shipping law.
How In-house Training works?
Interested in exploring how our In-house Training works?
Cost-effectiveness aside, one of the biggest benefits to our clients of in-house training is the opportunity to customise and tailor the content, delivery method and exercises of a training course to their exact needs. In order to achieve this, we follow a collaborative approach to bring the client & the trainer together to explore needs, shape content and define outcomes.
This video will give you an insight into the process and how bespoke courses are achieved. For more information please contact Holly on +61 (02) 9080 4454 or email
Watch webinar
Our expert course trainer Sean McCarthy delivered an insightful webinar on “Using & understanding contracts as tools for ensuring deliverables”.
You’ll learn:
- Overcoming some of the common challenges associated with managing contracts
- How contracts act as tools for achieving set outcomes across deliverables or projects
- The importance of contract interpretation and building confidence in dealing with contracts
Course Outline
- History of the rule of maritime law
- Shipping industry and trade
- International shipping organisations
- Common law and civil law overview
Law of the Sea
- Historic claims over the sea
- The 1958 conventions
- United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982
- Territorial sea and contiguous zone
- Exclusive Economic Zone
- Outer Continental Shelf
- High seas
- Archipelagic states
- Why the ‘zone’ dictates what laws are applied
Australia’s maritime boundaries
- Why maritime boundaries influence law and practice
- Australia’s boundary with Indonesia
- Offshore oil and gas industries
- Australian-East Timorese Timor Sea petroleum agreement
- Australia’s Pacific boundaries
- Australia’s southern boundaries
- Influence of offshore Territories
Admiralty shipping procedure
- Historic development of admiralty laws
- Modern law on arrest of ships for claims for debt or damage
- Release from arrest
- Lodging bond in court or sale of ship
- Priority for distribution of funds available
- Limitation of liability; lodging the amount in court
Carriage of goods by sea
- Basic structures and principles dictating cost and risk
- Main elements of charter parties for whole ships
- Demise, time and voyage charters
- Bills of lading for cargo
- Sea way bills
- Hague, Visby, Hamburg and Rotterdam models
- Liability for loss, damage or delay
Marine insurance
- Principles of marine insurance
- Premiums vs risk and exclusions
- Claims and rejection of claims
- General average
- Hull and machinery insurance
- P&I insurance
Marine pollution
- Current statistics for pollution from ships
- Characteristics of an oil spill
- International conventions on marine pollution
- Australian laws
- Australia’s National Plan for coping with spills
- Pollution prosecutions – how to conduct/cope with them
- Case study: Pacific Adventurer Oil Spill 2099; Swire Navigation v Qld
Other shipping laws
- Collisions – the law
- Liability – who pays and when
- Wreck – laws and practice
- Pilotage – laws and practice – reef and port pilots
Limitation of liability by ship owners
- Historic development
- International convention
- Australian laws
- How it applies in practice to the shipping industry
Maritime dispute resolution
- Mediation
- Arbitration
- Litigation
- Constructing your contract
Structure of Commonwealth & State offshore laws
- Development of Australian laws offshore
- Offshore Constitutional Settlement 1979
- Complexities of offshore laws increases costs
- Possible Industry responses to avoid being caught up
- Possible government responses to avoid being caught up
Case study & role playing:
- Quenos v Ship APL Sydney; and Strongwise v Esso (APL Sydney)
- Role playing: Likely issues and solutions
On-site & in-house training
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Talk to us about an on-site/in-house & customised solution.
Still have a question?
Sushil Kunwar
Training Consultant
+61 (0)2 9080 4395