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Multiple Dates Available
Live Digital

Fitness for Service Assessment

Precision in Practice: A Deep Dive into Fitness for Service

Fitness for Service Assessment FFS Training

Fitness for Service Assessment FFS training will help engineers develop a complete method for analysing, evaluating and monitoring the operation, design and maintenance of pressurised equipment. Learn how to apply the Fitness-For-Service standard API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 through the understanding of material behaviour, non-destructive testing and the importance of operating conditions.

About the Course

Fitness-For-Service (FFS) assessment is a multi-disciplinary quantitative engineering approach to determine whether equipment is suitable for continued operation.

The pressurised structure or component of interest may contain flaws or other damage or may be subjected to more severe operating conditions than anticipated by the original design.

The outcome of an FFS assessment is a decision to run the component as is, alter it, repair it, or replace it. A remaining life assessment may be performed as part of an FFS evaluation in order to determine how long the asset can be operated safely or to define appropriate inspection intervals.

This Fitness for Service Assessment FFS training course provides training on the application of API 579-1/ ASME FFS-1, a standard jointly published by the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME).

Example problems will be worked through to provide participants with a detailed understanding of the various FFS calculations.

Who Will Benefit

This Fitness for Service Assessment FFS training course is highly technical. As such, it will benefit engineers and engineering management engaged in the operation, design, analysis, and maintenance of pressurised plants or equipment in industry. Job titles include plant, mechanical, civil, structural, reliability and project engineers. 

Metallurgists and maintenance employees who design or operate pressurised plants or equipment that may develop cracks in service or at the time of manufacture will also benefit.

Key Learning Objectives

  • Review the sections of API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 used for assessing brittle fracture, crack-like defects, corrosion and creep
  • Understand and apply background information on FFS assessment
  • Analyse, evaluate and monitor pressurised equipment for continued operation
  • Discuss damage mechanisms and the importance of identification
  • Solve example problems on the practical application of the techniques incorporated in API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016
  • Understand the relationship between API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2016 and other FFS standards
  • Appreciate the remaining life assessment, remediation, and methods to extend the life of damaged equipment

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Informa Connect Academy’s customised training solutions have helped organisations deliver tailored learning in different languages to suit every requirement.

Bespoke training designed for your organisation only, combining traditional classroom setting, blended and online learning models

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Delivery Type





28 May 2024

4 days

13:00 17:00 Australia/Sydney


Live Digital


Annette Karstensen



15 Oct 2024

4 days

13:00 17:00 Australia/Sydney


Live Digital


Annette Karstensen



  • 28 May 2024

    4 days, 13:00 17:00 Australia/Sydney


    Live Digital


    Language: English


  • 15 Oct 2024

    4 days, 13:00 17:00 Australia/Sydney


    Live Digital


    Language: English


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Course Information

Instructional Delivery Method: Live Digital
Prerequisite & Advanced Preparation: Reading material will be sent prior to the course 


Delivered by Annette Karstensen

Annette Karstensen is working in Becht’s High Temperature and Fracture Group as a FFS and Structural Integrity specialist. She is a registered licensed engineer in Australia and United Kingdom with more than 25 years’ experience in Structural Integrity.

Run this course in-house

Informa Connect Academy’s customised training solutions have helped organisations deliver tailored learning in different languages to suit every requirement.

Principal Mechanical Engineer

BHP Billiton

“Understanding the principals behind the FFS code and recognising this presents an excellent way of quantifying remaining lives.”